Hey Mark. Hope all is well mate.
Sorry, I've been a little absent lately for personal reasons and am just now catching this post and your most recent one.
I can definitely understand your frustration here mate but I have to be honest and say that I don't think you can demand anyone contribute part of their rewards back to the cause. While I personally think everyone should return at least a little to help others, I think it should be down to them to decide if they do so and how much. I'm not sure how you curate the family protection posts, whether it is completely manual or whether there is some sort of automation but if you feel someone is taking advantage then you should obviously refuse to upvote them or ban them in future. Those who are making posts that are beneficial and helpful to the cause however have already contributed by making the post in the first place and received a reward from FP for doing so. I think it should then be up to the individual to decide if they want to contribute part of their rewards. I don't think you can force people to do what you or I might think is the right thing, though you should definitely encourage it. :)
Like I said, I definitely understand your frustration mate and I know you'll find a way to resolve it soon. :)