In my recent post on ex cop John Wedger, I shared how his career had been filled with examples of helping abused children, yet his police bosses had attacked him, bullied him and eventually caused him illness and an early 'retirement'. Bill Maloney, a long time activist for abused children and himself a victim of institutional abuse, has just uploaded a short documentary/interview with John.
Bill Maloney, through his film company 'pie n' mash films' has tirelessly worked with many people to bring forward whistleblower testimonies from all walks of life. In this new video, he gives background to his relationship with important police whistleblower, John Wedger, and puts out the call to everyone who has information that can help expose the serious crimes against children that are sadly a daily occurrence:
As Bill states, organised child abuse is not just something that is forced onto the financially poor in society, even the wealthiest schools such as Eton have a long established system of sexual abuse that can last years, using well defined processes of psychological and physical torture.
The motivations for this typically center around heartless and reversed intentions to override free will, to increase personal power by blackmailing people who go on to become key in society and also to attempt to make up for a lack of good feelings through sex and 'power play'.
Once people have been abused and imprinted with the energetic signature of that abuse, it is common for their emotions to seek release of the trauma, but to do that often requires triggers which are similar to the original trauma. This, when combined with unloving belief systems, that might say that the victim cannot do anything about their problems/injuries without making them worse - often results in them being pushed towards recreating the original cause of their suffering with them as the abuser, instead of the victim. This dynamic of an almost viral passing on of injuries from one to another has also been harnessed by exploiters seeking to blackmail for power and money.
You can watch another of Bill's longer videos called 'Sun, Sea & Satan' here. It covers his investigation into the apparent child abuse that was said to involve ex British 'Prime Minister' Ted Heath and children being taken out from care homes, onto his boat - never to return:
May all victims know justice and may our house be swept clean of the cockroaches once and for all - with love transforming all that wants and needs transformation.
Wishing you well,
Ura Soul
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Thank you for your campaign against Child Abuse.
This is a very serious matter, it happens almost everywhere, even in places we can not imagine. Those that are abused suffer a lot. It is usually seem impossible to come out of it. Though, some managed to turn this weakness to strength, but how many?
Hmmm, this sound like the story of my friend, we attended college together, she was abused by her father when she was just 12. She hates all men just because of her father.
I tried everything I could to help her come out of it, but she always suffer emotional breakdown each time she remembered it. Throughout our time in school, hardly will you see her in the company of guys. She used to say it to my face that she's still finding it difficult to trust me despite the intimacy I tried to established between us. I wanted to sacrifice anything to give her another perspective of men, but it doesn't work.
She hated men that much.
Thanks to John Wedger for this movement, together we can put an end to this evil act. It's not funny at all..
Yes, there are several layers and requirements to healing emotions. Triggering is the first one, but this often occurs without the other requirements being understood and so no healing takes place.
The other requirements include that there must be strong intentions to heal, balance and evolve internally - which means an intention to accept self and forgive self for blaming self if that has occurred. The emotions around the experiences need to be felt and expressed safely, but in cases of high trauma, this needs to be done gradually and in the right way.
I recommend these books for what might be the very best approach to this kind of healing.
Thank for trying to help, it mean a lot me.
I will try and get this one first: "RIGHT USE OF WILL
Healing and Evolving
the Emotional Body ". The way it was introduced looked like the perfect answer to her problem already. I think I will love to read it for self discovery
Thanks a lot sir
Nice to find someone else familiar with the work of Bill Maloney. It's time the secret societies were infiltrated and exposed. This gigantic cover up would not be possible without them and positions of power cannot be held without joining them.
The liberation of the Earth continues apace - the more we learn that we are our own 'voice of authority', the quicker we can become self empowered in ways that truly respect the free will that keeps us safe!
I couldn't agree more. We're finally getting our heads together and carrying the battle to them thanks to this raising of the aggregate consciousness. Onwards and upwards we go as the necessary disassociation becomes clear.
Thank you for shedding more light onto this situation that seems to come from the top rungs of power. Unfortunately those of us here in the US cannot watch the videos. YouTube says pnm films are blocked in my country. Hmm, I wonder why.
I have uploaded this to now, here
Thank you. It is frightening that some of police are seeing this, trying to stop it and most of the general public is unaware.
Oh really, thanks for the tip - I will upload to DTube as DTube will delete it after a few weeks anyway.
Great post. I wrote an article on this guy a while back when he did his sponsored walk from London to Manchester. Great bloke and have a lot of respect for what he's doing. There are some good coppers, but this is what happens to them when they speak out.
Man it's crazy how much of that goes in in hollywood and in the U.S. government with current and former's now all just coming to light that I know of. It seems to be an epidemic but it's apparently been going on for decades. And sadly it looks like it's not just an American phenomenon either.
I just don't get what could make a person want to do such a thing to a's really sad and disgusting. Much respect to those fighting against the pedophiles, especially ones lurking in positions of money and power and
This is I strongly belief, the offenders can’t go unpunished. Karma will definitely catch up with them. You see the case of the officer , he risked his life for justice cause he might be dead by now blowing the whistle, some powerful men might want him dead already. Justice must prevail. Bill is doing a great job in the field of investigating the top ranked that believes they could do away with their evils
To be clear, karma does not bring a 'balance of payments' - it is the process by which we experience to learn what is needed for balance. Those who deny karma and who do not aim for balance will be segregated soon enough from those who choose life.
Hmmm I agree with you . Thanks for clarifying
I found this informative
You are really a wealth or an ocean of knowledge
if Bill had served in my country Indonesia then he would get more similar stories. The last few years so much revealed cases of child abuse in my country that has been running even a dozen years of irregularities occurred! may God save our generation in the future.
@ura-soul In order to escape accountability for his crimes, the perpetrator does everything in his power to promote forgetting. If secrecy fails, the perpetrator attacks the credibility of his victim. If he cannot silence her absolutely, he tries to make sure no one listens.. Thanks for shearing this post with us.. keep working on it I appreciate it stay blessed my dear...
Oh yes, denial is the biggest problem we face!
Great news , thank you .
I resteem your post my blog .
Your post is always different i follow your blog and upvote everytime , your post is so helpful . I always inspire of your post on my steem work . Thank you for sharing @ura-soul
The evil of child abuse and sexual harassment is a global problem and the authorities are not doing enough to combat this ugly trends . The most annoying fact is that the police and politicians are involved in this shameful and disgraceful acts. I encourage those whistleblowers to continue to expose the evil menace in our society and by the grace of God justice will be achieved to bring those evil doers to their knees
Thanks for shearing this post with us.. keep working on it I appreciate it stay blessed my dear...
some time police make bad country many people hate some of police.
Hi @ura-soul I just wanted to stop in and say thank you for being against Child Abuse. I support your mission in that respect. However, I wanted to also comment that Child Abuse is not "Satanic" Ritual Abuse and that can imply that (a) Satanists are child abusers, when such things rails firmly against their ideology [fyi I'm not a Satanist] but that people from other religions (and even agnostics, atheists, and humanists) cannot commit child abuse — or if they are, they're being Satanic. Children are murdered every day in every country in the name of any number of deities or just because someone is in a bad mood, sadistic, or crazy. Bombs are sent to whole countries and destroy babies in their mother's arms. While I believe wholeheartedly that each believe they're acting on behalf of a deity or for a greater good, the real problem is just people being shitty people. They come from all walks of life, all religions, and no religion at all.
I hope in the future you would consider addressing this as a societal issue not something inspired or provoked by evil spirits. We need accountability, not exorcisms.
Commented with love and gentle tone of voice.
The word 'Satan' means 'Accuser' or 'Adversary' in original Hebrew. 'Satanic' in the true, metaphysical sense, means literally 'that which opposes the light of god/truth/love'. The fact that groups have converged to misuse and twist that term to appear to be something it is not - does not change the overall reality of what is occurring in dark corners connected to these groups. I choose to use language as best I can, in the way it was intended (unless the way that was intended is shown to be in error).
There are, to my understanding, at least two 'threads' of organised satanism - there is the 'satanism lite' that you are referring to - which is the publicly acceptable version of the agenda (Which forms a kind of outer circle of those who are useful but who do not know the full details) and then there is the inner circle who are quite different.
When Bill Maloney, a researcher and activist of many decades, refers to SRA - he does so on the basis of having spoken to many survivors of it who openly state that Satanic ritual forms part of the torture and abuse in some cases. Cults ARE involved here.
Yes, there are abusers who are not involved with any groups or cults too.
Thanks for your feedback and there's no attack here. I admit I'm brand agnostic when it comes to matters of spirit. I'm quite versed in Hebrew (Greek, Aramaic, Sumerian, Latin.) So I'm aware of the meaning of שָׂטָן. And I think you presume I'm not as well studied as Bill Maloney.
I also noticed you unfollowed me. That's cool, I understand. I didn't unfollow you, only removed my witness vote as I originally voted just to get votes out there. I just invited you to a Witness Chat Group and I removed many of my votes that I had not previously researched — in hopes for an honest audit as part of the group. Not related to my comment. Although I see you have reacted to my comment. I understand.
My understanding is that Metaphysics is label agnostic — hence why sigils are made. And I didn't come here to argue or criticise at all your beliefs- I'm sure we share many, just to say that this is a human problem— a very important, real, widespread problem. It just so happens that these kinds of sick humans flock together into cults— not the other way around. I would see it like those cults are the ones misusing terms, personifying, and misled- to justify their poor human behavior and sick desires.
I certainly do understand what's happening in dark corners— perhaps more than you understand that I understand. I know I've triggered you with my comment. And I didn't mean that. I'm not saying you're in error for using a Latin transliteration of a Hebrew word in this way. All I'm saying is that it implies the issue exclusively.
Also, I realize "Satanism Lite" as you put it is a reactionary group and atheist. However, those are the people that regular people think of when they read Satanic. Regular people reading in English don't usually know how to read ancient Hebrew, neither understand that Satan is just your everyday common adjective (i.e. Matthew 16:23) and not an actual personified being.
Not here for a religious debate or anything. I care very deeply about the subject of Child Abuse and especially when sick people flock together and form cults and beliefs to justify their genocidal and sadistic acts. I can respect what you believe as I hope you see my intention was to appeal to you to broaden the message.
It's okay- I'm fine to agree to disagree. I hope you didn't take this personal. Have a blessed day.
Good thing that there are people like you in life @ura-soul, This issue of disappearances is the worst situation that can arise for a family and more when the government itself ignores these disappearances, There is a criminal network with power to do this type of kidnapping for children, because the same government knows about this situation, the police bodies know about this situation, but they do not do anything about it, it is really a pity that we have to fight to do justice to this problem .. Here I leave a video where an actor who started a campaign against these disappearances / violations of minors / Pedophilia, says how the government asks for help to find these missing people .. is really the most illogical in the world .
Even this character has a shady background and might be a.. well.. an actor here.. :/