How to prevent illegal removal of a child from the family? How to protect your family, your child, yourself?

in #familyprotection7 years ago

Representatives of guardianship can come to any family, if suddenly they receive a complaint from a doctor, from school or from neighbors. The first thing you need to remember is not to give the guardians the reasons to come to your house. If you go with a child to a paid doctor, you must warn the district pediatrician about it. If your son or daughter is engaged in boxing or wrestling - the teacher should know about this. It is important that no one has any questions.
If you came from the guardianship agencies - do not strongly protest, but also behave boldly and confidently. Especially if it seems to you that they do not behave correctly. Every citizen of Russia should know that Article 25 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation says that the dwelling is inviolable.
Nobody has the right to enter your home, if you do not want it. Only police officers, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 15 of the Police Act, if they are sure that a crime has been committed in the house or is committed. As a result - only you decide - to let employees of the guardianship agencies into the apartment or not.
If, nevertheless, you decided to let the care workers into the house, then you should make sure that they are really them. Be sure to check with the arriving documents (ID and passport). If possible - write down the name, surname, patronymic, so that in case of trouble you can say with whom you communicated. Still it is possible to call in bodies of trustees by phone and to specify, whether the check was directed to your address. Whether it is not enough that happens.
During the visit, follow the basic rules:Today I read a post MakeBloom ( about how he sees the actions of the guardianship authorities. Many people in the author's comments have supported. If it really is so - then I'm scared. And I need to know how to protect myself and my family. After reading the information on the Internet, I made certain conclusions for myself. I think that many will be interested.

  1. Does your child have a day regimen? The visit of guardians is not a reason to break it. If a child sleeps - do not wake him.
  2. If it is customary to take your shoes off in your house, wash your hands, then you should ask the guardians about this. To say this should be polite, but firmly, if they do not agree with your rules - let them leave your house. Remember that the owners in the apartment are still you.
  3. All "guests" should be in your field of vision at the same time. Do not allow someone to stay in the hallway, and do not allow them to separate so that they can quickly look around the apartment.
  4. All details that the caretakers will notice will be explained and insist on fixing these explanations in the inspection report.
  5. Ask when you see your apartment to be present neighbors. If possible, record a visit to the recorder.
  6. Insist that the "Act on the examination of the living quarters" was made immediately, with you, in duplicate, and each copy was signed by you and the staff of the guardianship authorities.

If the guardianship wants your doctor to examine the doctor - remember:

  1. You have the right to go with the child in one ambulance car
  2. You have the right to be present at all medical manipulations that are committed with your child
  3. No medical intervention can be conducted without your consent.
    And the most important. To remove a child from the family, it is possible only on the basis of a relevant act And in the absence of this act no one has the right to touch your child.
    P.S. We all know that in Russia it is always advisable to carry a passport with you. And if you are with a child - take just in case and a certificate of birth of your child.

Excellent! thank you for this information.

Thank you!

thanks for your valuable contribution, insurance will give information to those who need it