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RE: The 'Adoption and Safe Families Act' and the Clinton's Legacy of Screwing Over African American and Poor Families

in #familyprotection7 years ago

The Mayor of N.O. went to jail over that corrupt bastard, but the people of N.O said I want him for mayor. didn't work out to well for them did it. The Governor was , well who knows where or what she was doing.

The minority groups got screwed form clinton through obama but they did get what they asked for. Some even got a free phone. ain't that special.

Its starting to turn around. minority unemployment is at record lows. its a start just needs to keep going


Greetings @wolfhart It is a good start, the important thing is to make progress on the ground that has been won and not to turn the measures taken into hot wipes' or something temporary. @renny-krieger

that's true have to keep pushing forward.
Shame that there is always that small percentage that have to take advantage of people for self gain