You are right, there are costs associated with this path. However, once the fraud of the state is exposed, we will be able to move or travel across the face of this planet without restriction from a feudal overlord. Walking this path also requires a lot of work to provide for oneself without receiving any benefits or privileges from the state. It takes time to get established so that one does not need the state to provide the basic necessities of life.
Please go through my blog as it will outline what it takes to stand up to the state and make sure you are willing to pay that price for freedom.
I definitely will read everything there. Already started. Fortunately for us, we are no longer in need of any assistance from the state. And I have been in the process of waking people up to what is really going on in the world (instead of what the media is telling us) for a long time. For years, people (even some friends and family) would declare me crazy, but now there are more and more who tell me that I was right. Borders is something invented by people in power to make it easier to contain us, literally. This power play has been going on for such a long time but if you tell people that they look at you as if you have two heads. Too many people still believe the history books...
Yes, I agree. I have ten heads! lol. I applaud your efforts to bring awareness. Peace to you.
ten heads...that's funny :)