Full disclosure – I work in the child protection system. I get paid to help bring families back together so I hope I would be considered one of the good guys. I also have witnessed the dark side of DCFS and could give many horror stories, and I think that what you are doing has value as these horror stories need to be exposed.
At the same time I could also give many stories of success and legitimate reasons why sometimes children need to be separated from their parents - to be safe. I could give you personal experiences of dead babies and children by the hands of family members. I am also quite curious as to why I keep hearing about DCFS (aka CPS) making money off of “kidnapping” children. I am not being argumentative as this could be true in certain areas of the world, but at least where I am from the child welfare system is a governmental agency which is, by its very nature, non-profit. Most of us who work in the child welfare system work for non-profit agencies and get a salary no matter what the outcomes. The foster care system is not an adoption service and agencies do not make money “selling” babies, and most agencies lose funding if they keep cases open for too long. I have seen some for-profit lawyers slow down the process (likely for their own benefit) but this is why we have public defenders.
Well in my city the Child protection workers and the judges and lawyers all got fat or comfy. While families were torn apart and those kids were turned into criminals or child prostitutes.
Family is a human right beyond laws of government.
I would like to know were child welfare workers are paid fairly let alone comfy. Perhaps I should move to that state. Once again, however, I am getting paid to bring the families back together.
Manitoba in Canada.
Oh, well, perhaps comparing American and Canadian systems is like comparing apples and oranges. I would not be surprised if Canada takes better care of their government workers, and people at large.
No Manitoba has the most kids in care per capita in the western world.
Because elite pedophiles mostly
Yikes!!! So the system has been infiltrated by organized crime? I stand corrected.
I have a friend who can share volumes about these kinds of goings on. He has personally lived through this kind of situation. I hope that he'll accept an invitation from me to join Steemit, and I'll suggest that he gets involved in this thread.