Famous People's Birthday
John Turturro
American actor, director and screenwriter
John Turturro's birthday today. He was born on February 28, 1957 has become 63 years old.
Karolína Kurková
Czech Model
Karolína Kurkova's birthday today. She was born Feb. 28, 1984 and has now become 36 years old.
Boss Burns
German singer (band "Boss Hoss")
Boss Burns birthday today. He was born on 28 February 1972 and has now become 48 years old.
Jelena Janković
Serbian tennis player
Jelena Jankovic's birthday today. She was born on 28 February 1985 and is now grown old for 35 years.
Jake Bugg
British singer-songwriter
Jake Bugg's birthday today. He was born on 28 February 1994 and has now become 26 years old.
Charly Brunner
Austrian singer, known for the hit duo "Brunner & Brunner"
Charly Brunner's birthday today. He was born on 28 February 1955, has become old 65 years.