I am always impressed with great works of art especially the ones created by master craftsmen or the Masters of the Art. I had a time to be in a position to have a glimpse of the Mona Lisa in the Louvre Museum in Paris France, one of my favourite Museums. One of the best things about being a Photographer and an Artist is being able to capture the beauty and wonder of the world around you. Being a Photographer and an Artist is a lot of fun, as well as it's challenges, but what happens when you turn your camera on and you start capturing the world around you and the Lady caught your eye and what happened was amazing. Let me explain.
As I click the shutter on my Nikon D2X to capture the beauty and culture that is on the walls of this magnificent Museum, an older man sat in a chair near the entrance. His head tilted down in contemplation. He looked towards the portrait and began to take a photo of the beautiful Mona Lisa. I caught the moment out of the corner of my eye, with the camera on one of my lenses and I stepped in and captured this image with my camera.
I was smiling as I took this photo, as well as I was amazed. But to my surprise when I look at the photo and review I realize that this photo was two photos, where the same photo and even more.
I am falling in love with the beauty of this wonderful painting of the Mona Lisa in the Louvre Museum in Paris France.
She is amazing and I look at the painting every single time on my visits to the Museum.
I have seen this art work hundreds of times and I have fallen even more in love each time I visit to view her.
How in the world did someone create this masterpiece of art that was created more than 400 years ago.
Mona Lisa the painting is another treasure of the Louvre in Paris France.
This masterpiece is the lady that was created by Leonardo Da Vinci.
There is a lot of mystery in the creation of this masterpiece, because almost nothing is known about when was the exactly created.
There are not many documents or other proof of anything that pertains to the creation of this painting.
The world will never know who, created this painting.
The world will never know why the Mona Lisa, was created.
But perhaps this painting will never be completely known, but she is definitely an icon amongst of the treasures of the art world.
I have captured every time I look at this painting, I am in awe at how beautiful this painting is.
I have captured her, her smile and her beauty with I am just in awe.
But the more I look at this painting the more the painting becomes more interesting.
I am looking closer in the painting, but she is still beautiful, I look more deeply into the face of the Mona Lisa,as I look closer in the painting.
I realize that there is something in the face of the Mona Lisa that is moving and drawing me in, something very interesting to find in this painting.
There is something in the detail that I am looking at the painting, that I am making a discovery.
The more I look at her face and the detail that Leonardo has put into the painting, I look closer as I do so. It is something very interesting, because what I have discovered.
The first time I discovered this in the painting, I am still in awe and I still in love with the painting of the Mona Lisa.
I know that there is something that I am overlooking, looking at the face of the portrait.
The painting has all the elements of beauty and sophistication in the painting.
I have discovered something in the painting and I don't know how I discovered it.
The more I look at the painting the more interesting I see this painting.
After I have discovered it, I can't get away and completely out of my mind.
I see this painting in a different way.
I have discovered something in the painting that I have fallen in love with.
As I discover what I have discovered about the painting, I still amazed at this painting.
When I discover what I have discovered about the painting, I discover the magic, the power and the mystery about this masterpieces.
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