The Fantasy Book I've been writing for 7 years now. (Part 1)

in #fantasy7 years ago

Below you can see the first part of the book I have been writing for 7 years. I will be uploading the other parts everyday. Let me know if you would like to read the other parts by Upvoting commenting and following.

The Empire stands strong and secure for over three millennia. Its borders and shores are guarded by the majestic imperial army and the fleet. The system of government managed is an offspring of centuries and is thus carved to near perfection. Nations inhabiting the Empire have nearly erased the memory of the times that came before it from their common narratives. Few questioned its legitimacy and holiness as citizens knew no better way of societal organization... or at least they were told so. The realms to the East and South are either weak and corrupt compared to the Empire and kingdoms across the sea are too far for a common citizen to consider. The capital of the Empire, Alta Kastelo, is the biggest city the world has seen and the most gracious one.

When an adventurer approaches the Imperial province, he is most likely to enter a forest as the city is surrounded by beautiful magical forests with lights of unknown nature to illuminate the woods at night. Despite it, as you get closer to the city, the sylvan fauna is gradually replaced by caravans and merchants as well as occasional battalions or war animals. The forest ends and you officially enter the Imperial province. The first thing you will see when out of the forest is a gigantic mountain that shades the sun in the appropriate time. However, it’s no mountain but an enormous castle. But don’t let its size fool you! The Central Castle is way farther than you first think. Hundreds of densely populated villages, towns, forts and towers separate you from it.

After passing through several settlements the road becomes wider and more crowded until you reach one of the four major streets that lead to the city. These roads are surrounded by markets shops and merchant camps. Trade thrives here. Unlike the markets in the eastern realms, these markets are protected by the guard of the ministry of commerce. Despite the crowdedness, the market district is low on crime thanks to the Ministry.

It is also, the cleanest market known as the centuries-old sanitation system creates a net under the entire province. Water and irrigation systems flow all the way from the northern mountains while the drainage tunnels flow into the southern desert after undergoing a desalination process. This practice has turned the relatively big deserts into thriving fields of grass and oases.


This is a good start, great job on grammar! So many stories are hard to read because of bad grammar, but this one was spotless.
I would love to read about the characters of the book without going too further on the details about the empire.

thanks for the feedback ;)