Dwarfish Numerical Runes 12-15
Ja - 12
Ta - 13
Go - 14
This is the first symbol for the next number value in this Tetradecimal system.
Goga - 15
This symbol shows the combination of the Runes "Ga" as a unit and "Go" as a full base value on a single "pillar".
From this point forward, values below 14 are right hand facing on the left most pillar. The inverse of the rune on the left of the right-most pillar will be of the second value.
Note now that the first value of size in the numeric language is "a", while the second is "o". This allows the Dwarfs to remember the rune symbol and know its value by the position on the pillar. "o" values are 14 multiplied by the character, plus the value of the character on the "a" side.
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