
No, I see that not questioning your effort at all, I am talking about a voting bot. Tons of people have them here. So do you full understand the curation part? I just looked at your account. You have 100 percent voting power. You are leaving money on the table by not using some of your power.

This platform is hillarious ! On one hand, some people tell you to not use your SP too much because it drains the reward pool, others say you are wasting voting power if you are at 100 percent. I vote for myself and for others too when i see good posts i like. Because i can. I have limited time to spend here, thats why my voting power recovers to 100 %. There are people who complain about Voting Bots too. I just do my thing here. I hope i post content that gives everybody a unique perspective of my life and what i do. If they want to comment and are interested in my work and maybe upvote, i will respond in kind. Concerning voting bots my friend, i may look into it when i am good and ready. In the meantime, send me some info and i'll have a look. Thanks for your interest. and Cheers from The Bear.

Cool man will do. You have a good day.

I can see the advantages of a voting bot. I'll try to get some info on how to do it. In the meantime be patient while i sort it out, okay buddy. Cheer up, it's not that bad !!! :) :)

I am a patient man my friend, I am a bow hunter. I am also a very cheery person, let me know if you change your mind about being a active part in the group. Thanks,

It seems we have a lot in common ! Yeah i'll let you know.