New Life Skills Unlocked: I Can Do Anything!

in #farm6 years ago

Seems ole @KLYE has become a stand-in far hand while my buddy and his father are out of commission after surgeries! While I'd briefly in the past had some experience driving tractors I certainly hadn't much experience to develop the "farmer" skillset that is required to become a decent farm hand. The picture above is a glimpse at my new part-time office.. which just so happens to be the cab of a tractor! Gotta admit, this farming shit is fun at times.

Annnnd then other times I want to rip my own head off, fuckin' breakdowns!

The beautiful machinery I've been running the past few days is below:

Sort of use to have this delusion that farmers didn't do much work and spent a large majority of their time sitting around having coffee or drinking whiskey.. By the fucking gods was I ever wrong about that! After assuming a stand-in farm hand role on a buddies farm I now realize that the farming game is significantly more work than I'd ever imagined..

While not normally my style (physical labour) given a chance to help out those in need I'll gladly learn new skills and hop on equipment to get the job done. After all, they've helped me by giving me a place to crash, so really it's the least I can do to make sure they have income rolling in while I stay in their camper. The sheer vastness of the things I've learned, fixed and started to master is nuts.. completely on the other end of the spectrum of my normal computer related activities.


The only time you are not working out in the field is when its raining.
But, that is usually just time to get something in the barn done.

That second tractor there was built before they even had vacuum tubes. No computers there.

equipment is older than I am..!

Welcome to our world! Spread the word far and wide that what we do is hard, absolutely needed, and also damned fun. It is a supremely important part of life to experience things outside our normal routine and life experiences. Good on you for stepping up to the challenge. Most wouldn't have the guts or willingness to try.

I am a rookie farmer... but I enjoy it!

New found respect for the farmers of the world.


Mad respect for your big step outside your normal world! I wish far more were as willing and able!!!

You too are capable of anything.

How did you ever think farmers had a bunch of free time, that is hilarious!

I was a bit delusional! That is for damn sure.

What a change since the last time I read something about you :)

I'm quite adaptable... Being able to hop onto a tractor and run a bailer and plow disk seems to back this up.

Machineries made farming easy and fast

Couldn't imagine doing this shit by hand, that is for sure...

farming is fun indeed i agree with is very nice cause it encourage hardwork and humility.....farming is priceless...nice pictures

It makes the world go around, feeds most of us and does help with humility, that is for sure.

Interesting blog :)