They are coming for us farmers first.

in #farmlife3 years ago


I give most of it away.

My mother asked me today via telephone, what I do with most of the food we grow, and the answer is above, I give it to people that need it. People who have no space to grow food, or are elderly and no longer capable.
If I had to rely on farming as a full time "thing" I would most probably not bother, it is hard work with few rewards in Fiat monetary terms.

There is a positive spin off to planting a few seeds, like yesterday when I went to a supermarket and they had no potatoes, so today I picked 10 kg from a bit of land I set aside due to a barn wall collapse, I just thought it would be a great place for spuds (slang for potatoes in the UK) and indeed it was.

I pick what I need each day, any extra is given away, free, no need for money here.


What was the most disappointing part about Warsaw?


Maybe you have noted or maybe not, but us who choose to farm are being targeted to not farm. I know in the USA there is a subsidy to not farm, hence why Gates owns so much farm land, who can blame him hey.

I have noted that in Ireland farmers are being offered money not to farm, and to kill their cows, what was it £5000 per cow?
In England farmers are being bribed not to farm too.

Many countries are going down this same path, brainfarted by the WEF, anyone with any common sense knows, control the food, con-trol the people.

It is sort of accidental me being a farmer, I never actually chose to do it, it came with the territory.
All I wanted was to retire in the countryside before I was so old I could not enjoy said experience.

I digress.

What did I learn in Warsaw? People have no imagination.
Those in the concrete jungle that want to make new political parties have as little vision as the 2 party system in most countries, one named Strike entrepreneurs, their vision is to give everyone including children £3000 to start a business, that is £3000 of tax theft, IMO. We all have one.

They have no solution, no ideas regards decreasing government, sound money, or any other topic that interests me, yes I am selfish like that.
They had no ideas regards ending victimless crimes.
I left Warsaw feeling like I had left a rinse and repeat logic, no vision among all the so called alternative parties regards real change.

And so it is I will just farm until those that attend the WEF send their soldiers, their "fodder" to come and remove me, then it is your homes next, they the greedy few, want it all.
2 stroke engines were the most efficient engines, so banned, 4 strokes are the order of the day, but they will be banned too.
People will be left with electric cars, no place to charge them, and the insanity of power cuts, where you going to go then?

Lithium drain/leach fields are highly toxic, that is what they make batteries from for electric cars.
Small children in Africa have to dig up that lithium, for that Tesla battery.

Where are all the caring Karen's when it comes to that? Or the diamond industry? Where are the outraged when it comes to child labour?

Seems most want to get angry that you did not wear a mask when told to, rather than giving a thought about child labour, and the pure hypocrisy of the "green" lunatics.

Anyway, that is all the time I have, hope you are having a superb day.

P.S. I watched a perfectly healthy young lady walk in here, to get tested to see if she was ill lol.



masses mind set never changes even when threatened.

Sad but true, getting old now, not much I can change for those that do not want to change, so riding fast bikes instead. Greta can suck my balls, perish the thought.

Sweet looking bike .. your not old until you feel old..

1992 that bike, goes like a stung cat via a wasp, I blow it up every year, and will no doubt do the same this year. :-)

Good to be your own mechanic 🤣

Those bland school lunches are probably going to be looking really good to a lot of kids going back to school. Many families struggling to just put food on the table. I got a squirrel who happens to love tomatoes, it's a race to see who gets the ripe ones first. It really sucks that he eats about half and leaves it. lol. I hung a board on my porch and as soon as they show signs of ripening I pick them and put them up on the board or in the kitchen window.

Looks like hunger games is coming to most, glad I have a farm, but know it will not end well, when the money men want us gone, the order followers will be the fodder.