This beautiful plant is known as one of the strongest plants, and it is abundant in tropical zones, warm climates, on the shores of the beaches you can see that they give a beautiful panaroma, it is used by the Aldians who live near the coasts to extract from this fruit the water commonly known here in Puerto la cruz VENEZUELA, like the refreshing coconut water for being an idratante, and also the delicious cocada that is a creamy drink made from the pulp of the coconut, also with this fruit they prepare traditional sweets here in my country such as: The coconut kiss, the coconut preserve, the majarete, the coconut ice cream, and in Easter week known as the week, our tradition, rice with coconut and sweet paper, Coconut oil is another very useful product that is obtained from this wonderful fruit.
The Aldians of the coasts, where we live, arrive in wooden boats very early before the dawn strikes the shore of the beach, making a tour of the whole place where the coconut palms are to begin to go down and collect the coconuts using a kind of rod that allows them to reach the coconuts since they are very high, while others more expert climb the palm trees reaching the fruits with this method, methods that they say is much faster, leaving the coasts with their boats filled to the place where they will select the coconuts that they will use to sell the delicious cocada, and the refreshing water of the coconut, also known as the miraculous water, product that in our coasts is very popular, Puerto la cruz, Lecheria coastal cities and of a lot of tradition with this type of drink
It is very common to find these products in our city, as they are very quality areas, and it is best to idratar our bodies with this natural water.
- The villagers select the most tender coconut, both green and yellow, which are their colors.
- Cutting the capote or rolo of the top part of the coconut and this refrigerated, taking it directly from the coconut, introduciendoce the cigarette, another way to serve it is pouring its water in the glass along with the pulp of the coconut and adding ice.
The cocada its preparation:
- The coconut is opened, the pulp is removed together with the water, it is poured in a blender adding condensed milk and evaporated milk, liquefying with creamy consistency like chicha but even much richer.