The pomegranate (Punica Granatum) is the fleshy fruit of the pomegranate, a tree that grows in tropical and subtropical areas. It is a fruit of globular shape and somewhat larger than the apple. It presents a thick bark of orange-brown color, inside which appear multiple red seeds separated by membranous partitions. These seeds are imbued with a juicy, refreshing and bittersweet pulp. As the fruit ripens, the peel cracks and shows its seeds. There are also smaller varieties that do not contain seeds inside.
Apparently, it is a fruit native to Persia whose origin dates back to the early Neolithic years. The cultivation of pomegranate was extended already in very remote times, being the Phoenicians who exported it to the western zone of the Mediterranean. There, Cartago became the great pomegranate planting colony and exporter of its fruits.
In Egypt, the pomegranate was cultivated since the time of the XVIII dynasty, at the beginning of the second millennium BC. Its fruits were used there to make a very appreciated juice. The Arabs introduced the grenade to Spain, from where it was exported to America after the conquest, spreading rapidly throughout the tropical and subtropical zones from California to Chile.
Two species of the Punica genus are known: Punica granatum, which is what is commonly known as pomegranate, and Punica protopunica, which occurs in South Yemen, specifically on the island of Socotora.
Within Punica granatum different varieties are distinguished. Nana is a dwarf shape with small, narrow leaves and smaller flowers, just like the fruits. Pleniflora presents double scarlet red flowers. Albescens, white flowers, and Flavescens, simple yellow flowers.
The pomegranates are stored at room temperature for several days. If they are not going to be consumed immediately, they should be kept in the refrigerator, where they will be stored for about 3 weeks. The separated grains can be easily frozen.
The pomegranate is a fruit with a high water content, although not the one with the highest proportion of water, nor the one with the most hydrates. Likewise, its sweet taste tells us of its richness in natural fructose that is accompanied by other good nutrients for the organism such as phenolic compounds with antioxidant function, fiber, potassium, magnesium, vegetable calcium to a lesser extent, a minimum of vitamin C as well as of iron and copper.
The minerals as well as the elements with nutritional function that the pomegranate possesses are greater as the fruit ripens, while the phenolic compounds are reduced with the maturation. Also, it has been verified that the proportion of calcium, copper and zinc is higher in the pomegranate seeds while in the juice of the fruit the iron, potassium and sodium content is higher, qualities that we must consider if we need more than one mineral than another.
However, its nutritional wealth tells us about the pomegranate as a valuable source of compounds with positive properties in the body.
The pomegranate can not only enrich our diet with good minerals and vitamins, but also can help to benefit the proper functioning of the body and prevent diseases.
Great responsible for its benefits are its antioxidant polyphenols, among which tannins stand out, having anticancer properties by reducing the division and inducing the death of tumor cells.
Likewise, its polyphenols could reduce or avoid inflammatory processes and this will contribute to reduce the risk of suffering from metabolic diseases such as diabetes, where inflammation plays an important etiological role.
It is noted that the pomegranate in all its versions can have an anti-obesity effect and be of help to control body fat and reduce it or avoid its excess.
Most of the benefits of pomegranate are due to its richness in antioxidant compounds, although it is undoubtedly a fruit of good nutritional quality that also offers advantages at the time of making our diet healthier.
The pomegranate is known as one of the superfruits because of its great antioxidant power and its beneficial properties for health. Thanks to these antioxidants, the pomegranate helps slow down the aging process and keep the skin healthy. In addition, these antioxidants promote blood circulation and reduce blood pressure, so the pomegranate helps prevent heart disease and maintain good cardiovascular health.
Due to its manganese content, pomegranate is suitable for the treatment of enzymatic metabolism disorders, since this mineral is part of various enzymes involved in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.
It is a very diuretic fruit, which favors the elimination of water and salts through the kidneys. This property is mainly due to the presence of potassium, which helps maintain the body's hydrosaline balance.
A study carried out has revealed that a glass of pomegranate juice daily has similar effects to viagra.
The researchers carried out different experiments with a group of volunteers between 21 and 64 years of age and found that drinking a glass of pomegranate juice every day for 2 weeks increased testosterone levels by up to 30%. They observed that pomegranate juice increased sexual desire in both men and women.
In addition, due to the pomegranate juice, men increased facial hair and their voice tone became slightly more severe. In the case of women, the hormone helped strengthen bones and muscles.
The increase in testosterone also had other positive effects such as improving mood and memory, in addition to reducing the stress hormone (cortisol).
These researchers have also found that pomegranate juice helps fight cancer, relieve symptoms of stomach disorders, osteoarthritis and conjunctivitis.
The pomegranate can be consumed fresh, or used in the production of juices. In the latter case, care must be taken not to put too much pressure on the seeds, since breaking them causes an unpleasant taste.
In addition, the pomegranate is a perfect accompaniment to some desserts, such as yogurt, or as a complement to salads, providing color and nutrients.
The seeds of this fruit are increasingly used in the preparation of preserves, jellies, jams, jams, syrups, ice cream ...
The pomegranate can also be dried and used as a spice in the flavoring of various dishes.
An important pomegranate derivative is the so-called grenadine, a syrup obtained from its juice, very appreciated in cocktails and confectionery, mainly in southern Europe. The grenadine diluted in water is taken as a soft drink.
In the popular culture of many civilizations this fruit has been a symbol of fertility due to its high number of seeds.
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