This sound funny and almost unrealistic when I got to find out that eating yam can make a woman give birth to-
Couples might want to have twins for different reasons .
Some women only want to go through one pregnancy so having twins gives you a full complete family all in one shot.
Some women have trouble conceiving, a twin pregnancy may likely be her only one, so they will cherish an opportunity .
While some couple are simply fascinated by twins. If you are one of these women you might want to get a yam cookbook.
This is how it was said to be working;
Yam contains phytoestrogen,
an estrogen compound that increases a woman’s Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH),
and may induce a higher rate of ovulation.
This chemical component is concentrated in the peelings from yam,
and it has been linked to a hyper ovulation-
the release of more than one egg,
which usually leads to twin pregnancies
Double pregnancies occur either when a fertilized egg is implanted in the uterine wall and develops into a zygote
which splits into two embryos,
in which case the offspring results in
“identical twins;”
or when two eggs are produced and fertilized and implanted in the uterine wall separately,
in which case the offspring results in
“fraternal” or “non-identical twins.”
You can try cultivate more yam .
Or try ensure it is in your meal,
And you may be fortunate to have a twins.
After all eating yam causes no harm