The grapefruit is the resusltado of the mixture of the orange and the grapefruit, origin in the western India.
Growing grapefruit.
To start this fruit so large and tasty to grow it has to be in a subtropical climate, although it grows in lower temperatures, the ripening time of this fruit lasts up to double of 13 months compared to the 7 required in the tropical regions. From this it acquires a thicker shell and a good acidity.
Also the wet one is an infuyente subject in this plant. To cultivate them, it would begin in the autumn times until almost the beginning of winter. The good thing is that when it takes to harvest it causes the fruit to increase its dullness, and helps the plant's fuctuation for the following year. And the harvest can be manual or mechanical but be careful not to damage its delicate shell.
How to buy grapefruit.
To buy a good grapefruit everything is to know how is the skin must be thin, also round and heavy, These are the sweetest and juicy. They must also be firm but not harsh.
Also when the fruit has a pleasant sweet and strong smell is a sign of quality. But when it is stored in refrigeration chambers it loses all its characteristic flavor and aroma. They should be left covered at room temperature, so we keep it juicy for two weeks. Now if you want to keep them for longer you can put them in the refrigerator in the vegetable vat or you can also put them in a plastic bag with holes so they will be kept for a month.
Benefits of grapefruit.
- Contains antioxidant (prevents aging)
- Protects the heart by reducing cholesterol triglycerides
- Softens rough skin and helps eliminate cellulites
- Removes skin spots on the areas and knees and elbows, thanks to vitamin C helps to lighten dark spots
- Firms the skin, helping to increase the production of collagen
- Helps prevenor cancer for its content of naringenin, which repairs the DNA structure by preventing cell mutations
- Help to lose weight by burning fat due to its high content in postasio
- As an organic detergent, removing the scale that accumulates in the bathroom.
The grapefruit has wide use in several areas like medicinal, gastronomic and beauty use, applying its properties for cosmetics and in the home as a cleaning.
I want to highlight here the uses that are given to lose weight and for the skin.
Use for the skin: cleansing exfoliator (tones and reactivates natural beauty).
- grated rind
- 3 drops of rosehip oil
- 10 grams of sea salt
grate the skin in a bolt and add the 3 gums of rosehip and sea salt are joined ingredients and taken to the refrigerator is left from 15 to 20 min and can be used.
To remove the stains.
Cut the grapefruit and add sugar and exfoliate the skin with gentle circular movements repeat this every night.
The mask the ingredient is the juice of the grapefruit to wash the face with the juice this clean of impurities and closes the pores. Then wash your face with neutral javon, the next step with a cotton soak it in the juice and apply it to the car leaving it for 10 or 15 minutes and remove it with plenty of warm water.
Do this for 5 consecutive days and then repeat it the following month.
NOTE: when making these treatments with grapefruit it is convenient to use sunscreen.
Use to lose weight.
2 or 3 grapefruits are expressed, you can add a little water or steep with stevia to soften a little the acid of the fruit. Take 20 minutes after each meal.
Eat half a grapefruit before each meal, this will help burn the fat.
This sumo is: diuretic, low in heat, is depurative, satisfies the appetite, improves digestion, thus helping our body to lose weight.
You have indeed clear our doubt and help us understand the usefulness of grapefruit and how to cultivate grapes.