the mango and its benefits

in #farms6 years ago

image made by @margarivera

One of my favorite fruits and that of my granddaughter is MANGO, just remembering makes me laugh a lot, because she has a few months and is completely full eating this fruit. A very delicious taste in my country is considered the poor man's food, because here there are bushes of mangoes in many places and since the situation is very difficult people substitute some meals for mangoes or their snacks.

A tree of average size, for example, can produce up to 200 kilos of fruit, imagine how many of us can enjoy this tasty fruit!

There are different forms of mangoes, they exist in different colors and sizes according to their species and although it is that their flavor is characteristic, I can say with total certainty that in each species there is a special flavor.

However, the softness of the fruit and its intense aroma are quite reliable indicators.

I leave you a small guide to make about the sowing of this tasty fruit:

image made by @margarivera

image made by @margarivera