Lemon or citron, citrus, or lemonade is a kind of orange whose fruit is usually used as a flavoring and refreshing in many culinary arts of the world.
Nutrition Nutrition Total Per 100 g
- Calories (kcal) 28
Amount of Fat 0.3 g
Saturated fat 0 g
Polyunsaturated fats 0.1 g
Monounsaturated fats 0 g
Cholesterol 0 mg
Sodium 2 mg
Potassium 138 mg
Total Carbohydrate 9 g
2.8 g of food fiber
Sugar 2.5 g - Protein 1.1 g
- Vitamin A 22 IU
- Vitamin C 53 mg
- Calcium 26 mg
- Iron 0.6 mg
- Vitamin D 0 IU
- Vitamin B6 0.1 mg
- Vitamin B12 0 μg
- Magnesium 8 mg
Soil Type and Climate Which Is Suitable To Grow Lemon Citrus:
- The soil is loose and organic. Make sure that the land you are about to plant has a good organic content so that lemon trees can be supplied with nutrients. If you want to spray the soil by using fertilizer, then choose a natural organic fertilizer and free of chemicals.
- The land to be planted has a low salt level.
- The land to be planted is free of weeds and other pests.
- The land is not inundated, not muddy and not too wet.
- The land gets considerable sunlight.
- The lemon jelly can grow in the highlands and low, in the tropics like our country and country subtropics.
Soil Processing and Land Preparation
Prepare a large enough area to plant lemon trees. Undo land you need to make to plant each seedlings and provide a distance between lemon plants with one another.
Choose the right way of planting by paying attention to the right direction of the wind so that the sun can directly forge the lemon tree you plant. In addition, make sure that the water does not inhale lemon trees by making small trenches as a place of water flow in the rain. This puddle will decrease the quality of the lemon produced.
Note the depth of the plant hole and adjust it to the roots of the seedlings so that the seeds can grip the soil properly.
How to Raise and Breed Lemon Orange Crops
How to breed seedlings you can do by bringing seeds that are guaranteed quality and recognized legally by the state. This nursery is one of the important keys of fruit quality to be produced. For that, the quality of the seed should be really your attention carefully.
In choosing quality seeds, must select lemon orange seeds that are free from pests and diseases and age enough to move the plants. Lemon orange seeds have sturdy stems, are not wrinkled or lean, have healthy green leaves and are not dry yellow.
If anyone already has lemon plants then you can make or multiply lemon seedlings by using shoot cuttings techniques because lemon plants are very easily propagated by shoot cuttings. In summary the way is to take a branch of lemon plants about 3-4 segments of leaves (about 20 cm) and then cut each leaf about 2/3 it to reduce water evaporation. Dip the first branch to be grown in the root-growing hormone fluid. If you do not have the root-stimulating growth hormone then can use the crushed onion and then add a little water and used to polish the lemon plant stems that will be planted as cuttings. Planted on polybags with soil and compost media. Do not forget flush morning and evening then if all goes normal the root of lemon cuttings will appear after 21 days or about 3 weeks. Let up to 1 month later until many new roots are transferred to the planting medium to keep it easy to die.
How and when to plant
Planting can be done anytime because the orange tree is basically able to survive in all seasons, provided that the right way to plant and the growing conditions are met. The technique of planting is done by placing the seeds into each of the land that has been made. Make sure the lemon juice seeds get enough sunlight and water is not excessive.
How and Dosage of Lemon Lemon Fertilizer
Fertilization can be done maximum 4x in one year by using combination of recommended fertilizer like manure, TPK, ZK and compost. Of course, this fertilizer should be done wisely and on time.
A very important factor for the growth of seeds well, namely the provision of nutrients on a regular basis. Regular nutritional intake can accelerate the growth of lemon american plants also stimulate the growth of fertilization. Regular fertilization can be in a pure organic way or with a chemical combination. Please friends Organic Farmers can choose one of them ..
Way of chemical combination: 20 grains of fruit NPK + 1 kg of compost / manure + 1 tsp POC BMW
Organic way: 1 tbsp KOCOR BMW + 1 tsp POC BMW
Provision of nutrients sebaikanya routine done once a month.
Pest Management & Lemon Lemon Disease
Citrus plants are also commonly found in pest attacks such as Flea (Diaphorina citri), Aphids (Toxoptera citridus aurantii), Leaf pelil (Phyllocnistis citrella), Tungau (Eriophyes sheldoni Tetranychus sp), fruit borer (Citripestis sagittiferella). Handling with Spray ANTILAT 5 days, dose 4 caps btl per 17 ltr water.
As a result of pests also, citrus plants can be infected with diseases such as CVPD, Tristeza, Woody gall (Vein Enation), Blendok, Dew flour. If lemon american lemon plants friend, attacked the disease can be by spraying NOPATEK 4 days, dose 4 btl cap per 17 ltr of water.
Other treatments that need attention are the expulsion of plant pests that can be fruit flies, caterpillars, mites, and much more. You can set up a trap to ward off fruit flies or spray certain substances to save the fruit from the attacker pest.
Do not forget for you who want to cultivate lemon plants, partial logging of the main stem needs to be done to increase the number of branches so that the productivity of lemon trees can be maintained and increased from year to year. In addition, the amount of fruit that is too much in the first harvest season you can cut for fruit productivity in the coming year.
Age and How to Harvest Lemon Citrus 
Generally the conception of a lemon ranges from 1-2 years. To accelerate the emergence of flowers / lemon juice, fruit fertilizer should also be given. Fruit stimulant that I often give the POC BMW. Application of BMW POC sprayed into plants once a month, dose 3 POC cover BMW + 15 liters of water. Harvesting lemon juice you can do when the fruit is completely cooked. The reason, citrus fruit is a kind of fruit that can only ripen itself in the tree and after picking it will stop the process of maturation. The ideal fruit age to harvest is 30-36 weeks.
Tips on How to Plant Lemon In Pot (Lemon Lemon Tabulampot)
Plant lemon seeds in pots with holes in the bottom. But if you want to grow lemons, pay attention to where to plant them. Lemons need to be exposed to sunlight for 8-12 hours per day.
Prune routine branches and branches that are not productive, usually grow in the middle of the stem or on the rootstock so as not to interfere with growth. Begin to prune since the seeds are moved into pots.
You can form a branch of the lemon plant by cutting it starting 2 months since the seedlings are planted in pots. Prune the adjacent branches and overlap, spacing the branches over 5 cm. Pruning is also useful to prevent pest attacks in lush plants, such as white fleas and fungi.
Young plants from graft and cuttings can flower at age 3-5 months since moved into pot. But, should the flowers in young plants be removed first because the result is definitely not maximal.
Fertilization can begin when the plant is one year old since moved into the pot. Fertilizers suitable for lemon plants are fertilizers with high levels of phosphorus (P), including TSP fertilizer or NPK fertilizer. Organic fertilizer from livestock manure can also be used with a period of fertilization every two months.
NPK fertilizer is given by roots or leaves. When buying fertilizer, the content of N, P, K fertilizer can be seen in the packaging of fertilizer. In order to absorb fertilizer by plants faster, dissolve 2 tablespoons of fertilizer first dissolved into 2 liters of water. Make a circular hole as deep as 5 cm following the pot circle, enter the fertilizer, heap again with soil. Flush with water to help absorb the fertilizer.
To stimulate the conception of lemon plants in pots, you can give fertilizer growth regulator substances (ZPT) are sprayed into selurih part of the plant on the soil surface, especially leaves. ZPT has 3 types, there is a root growing regulator, leaf growth regulator, and flower growth regulator. Before nurtured, lemon plants should be old enough or ready to bear fruit and healthy. Otherwise, your lemon plant will just die.
Water stress can also stimulate conception. Once fertilized, leave the plant without watering until withered and stressed. Only then, watered continuously 3 times a day for two weeks. After that, just returned to normal watering.
If the lemons do not bear fruit, there is a fruitful coercion trick that is often done by farmers, namely injuring the stem of the plant. Way, tightly bind the rod with a wire until the skin is injured to penetrate the log or peel the skin of the plant until the cambium appears. Unfortunately, this way the risk of infected plants diseases, such as fungi, bacteria, and viruses that enter through the wound.
Lemons should mature on newly harvested trees. So, can not be derived origin, because the lemon tree will stop doing the maturation after picking. Lemons can harvest a maximum of 4 times. After that can be replaced with new plants.
Some Tips and How To Make Lemon Orange Trees Fruit Fast
Not all branches and branches of lemon plants can produce fruit. In its growth, lemon plants in pots often remove twigs and some branches of water that only depletes plant energy. These unproductive branches and branches usually grow in the middle of the stem or on the rootstock. If these branches or branches that grow are derived from the rootstocks located under the junction (lemon seeds derived from grafting or grafting) will overcome the growth of the top stems so that the fruit comes out as desired.
In treating lemon plants in pots, branches and branches like that need to be trimmed so as not to interfere with plant growth. Pruning can also beautify the shape of plant branching and energy for unenlightened fertilization. The pruning should be routine. Try not to wait a long time since the discharge of branches and branches that are not desired. The pruning treatment was first performed since the seeds were moved into the planting pot. Pruning is done to reduce the leaves and twigs for evaporation post-transfer of seeds into the pot is not too large.
Branches of lemon plants can also be formed through pruning. The formation of this branch is usually done 2 months since the seedlings are planted in pots. Pruning is done by splitting adjacent branches and branches too low, including the water branches. One overlapping branch and a distance of less than 5 cm should be discarded. In addition to reducing branches that are not productive, pruning is also useful to prevent pest disease diseases that like to nest in places that are dense and humid, such as white fleas, aphids, and some types of fungi.
How to Accelerate Lemon Lemon Concentration by Utilizing Fertilizer
To produce lemon plants in pots required pupu which levels of phosphorus (P) high because this element that helps the formation of flowers and fruit and ripening fruit. Generally, P fertilizer is obtained through a single fertilizer TSP (Ca (HPO₄) ₂) or through a high NPK compound NPK, such as NPK 15:15:15 or NPK 16-16-16 + TE (trace element), NPK 12- 34-12, or NPK 8-24-24.
In addition to the NPK fertilizer given through the roots, the conception of lemon in the pot can also be assisted with high-P NPK fertilizer provided through the leaves. Leaf fertilizers that can be used include Gandasil B, Gandapan, Foliar, Growmore, Hiponex, and various other brands of high-P fertilizer. The content of N, P, K of this fertilizer can be seen in the packaging of fertilizer.
Fertilization to stimulate fertilization can be done on lemon plants in pots that have been 1 year since transferred into pot planting. Young plants that are verasal from multiplication with grafts and cuttings, sometimes have been able to produce flowers in unur 3-5 months since transferred into the pot. However, at this age should be discarded flowers only, because the energy needed to bear fruit is still very limited. If forced fruit that is produced will not be satisfactory.
At the age of 1 year since moving into pots, lemon plants that will be fertilized can be given high-purity NPK fertilizer or a mixture of urea, SP-36 / TSP and KCL. Plants 1 year old planted in pots of 10 liters of bucket can be given 2 tablespoons of NPK (tbsp) or a mixture of urea, SP-36 1 tbsp and KCL 1 tbsp. For 1 year old plants grown in drum pots, can be given 4 pounds of high NPK NPK or a mixture of urea and SP-36 2 tbsp and KCL 2 tbsp. In order for the absorption of fertilizer by plants faster, fertilizer should be dissolved first into 2 liters of water.
Fertilization is done by making a circular hole following a pot circle as deep as ± 5 cm. After that, the fertilizer is inserted and backfilled with soil and then water is watered so that the fertilizer dissolves and seeps into the soil.
In addition to roots, high P fertilizer is also given through the leaves. 1 week interval. This spraying is done until the plants release the flowers. The dosage of a given leaf fertilizer should be adjusted to the instructions indicated on the fertilizer packaging. After flower buds out, spraying is avoided so the flowers do not fall out.
How to Stimulate Lemon Lemon Concentration with ZPT
Another alternative to stimulate the fertilization of lemon plants in pots is by the provision of growth regulators (ZPT). Type ZPT many varieties, there is a root grower regulator, regulator leaf, there is also a regulator of growing flowers. This growth regulator substance is usually used to produce lemon plants in pots simultaneously. The lemon pot traders often use them to arrange the fruits of the fruit plants. This is usually done to fulfill the order of the hobbies of the plant of a particular event.
Terms of plants to be stimulated flowering with ZPT is to be old enough or ready to bear fruit, healthy, fertile and haranya elements are met. Treatments that do not comply with these conditions actually cause the plant to die, either before or after the plant bebuah.
Leaf types and brands of ZPT are circulating in the market. The most active type of active ingredient in ZPT is paclobutrazol. How it works paclobutrazol is to inhibit the release of plant leaves. Because the leaves are blocked out, the energy stored by the plants will come out in the form of flowers and eventually turn into fruits.
How to use ZPT by spraying it to all parts of plants that exist on the soil surface, especially the leaves. Especially for pure paclobutrazol, use is enough 0.1 ml per liter of water. Meanwhile, the use of ZPT with other brands that also contain active paclobutrazol following the instructions contained on the packaging. One of the trademarks of ZPT that can be used is Cultar and Goldstar. Other types of ZPT that can be used are Atonik, Dekamon, Gibberelin, and Hydrasil. Different types of ZPT can be obtained at farm shops.
If the weather is sunny or not rainy, spraying ZPT is done only once, and can be repeated 2 weeks later. ZPT work reactions are strongly influenced by the fertility of plants. If the plant is fertile enough, 1 month after the ZPT plant has been flowering.
How to Accelerate Conception With Water Stress
In addition to using high P fertilizer, flowers and lamon fruit in pots can be stimulated with water stress. This is one of the advantages of planting lemon in pots, which can easily engineer water to stimulate pembenanya water. This water-feeding technique is difficult to do on plants grown on land. Treatment of water stress nin generally done if the use of fertilizer to stimulate the flowering did not work well.
Lemon plants in pots that will be stimulated fruit with water stress should really be in a healthy and fertile condition. Because, after experiencing water stress, the plant must have nutrients and energy to form flowers and fruit. If the plants to be treated with water stress are unhealthy and fertile, there is the possibility of flowers and fruit can still come out, but easily fall out. In addition to healthy and fertile, plants that will be given water stress, the minimum fruit has been harvested all 1 month before or have rested for 1 month.
Stage treatment of water stress to stimulate the release of flowers and fruit as follows:
Two weeks before the treatment of water stress, lemon plant fertilizer using NPK. Use high N PK fertilizer.
Two weeks after fertilization place the plants in the open exposed to direct sunlight every day.
Let the plants exposed to sunlight without watering at all. This treatment lasts for ± 1-2 weeks or until the plant is almost withered and under stress, but not until death.
After stress due to lack of water, plants are irrigated constantly. If the weather is hot, plants are watered 3x a day. Watering continues for about two weeks. After the watering is done normally, a day 1x or depending on moisture conditions of planting medium.
2-3 weeks after the treatment of water stress, usually lemon plants will release new leaf buds coupled with the emergence of flower buds. After the flowers appear, planting media should be kept so as not too wet or too dry. Media that is too wet or dry can cause the flowers fall out.
How to Stimulate the Lemon Citrus Exit by Injuring the Tree Trunk
How to stimulate the release of fruit by injuring tree trunks are also often done on mango plants that are late to bear fruit when the age has exceeded 4 years. Apparently this way can also be applied to the lemon tree even though it should be done if it is kepepet or forced after another way does not work.
There are many ways of coercion to bear fruit by injuring the stem of the plant. A common way to do this is to tightly tie the stem of the plant using a wire to the injured skin through the wood. Another way is to peel the skin of the plant until it looks kambiumnya.
This accidental way of accident causes the process of sending carbohydrates from plants to the roots inhibited so that carbohydrate accumulation in the stems, twigs and leaves. With this hoarding will accelerate the emergence of flowers and fruit.
The deficiency of producing plants by injuring the stem is the occurrence of injuries to plants. The wound is feared can be infected by diseases, such as fungi, bacteria and virus CVPD.
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