Technology has changed the agricultural industry by replacing human work with machines that are controlled by individuals or other machines. In the agricultural industry, profitability is a key factor. When production is high, the farmer will make more profits.
Technology has helped farmers replace the old methods for farming with machines that can carry out the activity in less time ideal from the day of planting to the day of harvesting. How about we take a basic case An animal-drawn plow replaced the digging stick. Then later, that plow was replaced by the horse-drawn moldboard plow
Currently, we have the large tractors that pull complex tilling machines. But, even these machines are being replaced by no-till or minimum-till farming practices, which reduce the amount of work it takes to prepare the soil for planting
Examples of Technology in Agriculture
With the development of Portable Application for farmers, they can utilize an Application like "FamGraze" to work speedier and be more precise while in the field and off the field. For instance, "FamGraze" application will enable a farmer to deal with their crops all the more adequately by proposing the least expensive feeds for their domesticated livestock. This application will ascertain the measure of grass your animals have in the field. You will require no paper or any spreadsheets to do this. Sparing you additional time while in the field.
Technology has played a major part in building up the agricultural industry. Today it is possible to grow crops in a desert by utilization of rural biotechnology. With this technology, plants have been engineered to survive in drought conditions. Through genetic engineering scientists have managed to introduce traits into existing genes with a goal of making crops resistant to droughts and pests.
Lets take a decent illustration. A bacterium known as ”Bacillus Thuringiensis” acts like a reservoir , it empowers crops to be bug safe , so these genetically modified crops will grow without any interference from pests. The invention of this technology is being used in developing nations to grow money crops like cotton,genetically engineered cotton plants are pest resistant, they grow better than ordinary cotton plants thus yielding great outcomes.
This spares the farmer time and cash, they will know what amount is left and what to nourish their creatures. Technology has transformed farming into a real business, now farmers have charged each procedure, a buyer can put in a request straightforwardly online , and the item will be transported from the farm to the purchaser in time when it's still new. This spares the farmer cash and it removes mediators who tend to purchase low from farmers and sell high to end ueser. Each farmer uses this technology in their own specific manner. Some use it to make fertilizers, others utilize it to showcase their items, and others use it in production. So as a farmer, you need to indicate what you require.
The following is an outline on the use of Technology in agriculture:
Animal Plowing I s Replaced By Tractors
Use of machines on farms. Presently a farmer can cultivate 2 acres of land of land with less work, and can cut expenses considerably more when they are searching for an used tractor and other harvesting technology, versus new equipment. The use of planters and harvesters makes the work so easy. In agriculture, time and production are so imperative; you need to plant in time, harvest in time and convey to stores in time. Present day rural technology enables few individuals to develop tremendous amounts of sustenance and fiber in a briefest timeframe.
Modern transportation::
This aides in making items accessible on business sectors in time from the farm. With modern transportation, buyers in Dubai will consume a fresh carrots from Africa with around the same time that carrot left the farm in Africa. Current transportation technology offices help farmers effectively transport fertilizers or other farm items to their farms, and it likewise speeds the supply of agricultural items from farms to the business sectors where shoppers get them every day.
Cooling facilities:
These are utilized by farmers to convey tomatoes and other perishable crops to keep them fresh as they transport them to the market. These cooling offices are introduced in sustenance transportation trucks, so crops like tomatoes will remain fresh upon conveyance. This is a win-win circumstance for both the shoppers of these agricultural items and the farmers. How? the shoppers gets these items while still new and the farmer will offer every one of their items on the grounds that the request will be high.
Genetically produced plants like potatoes, can oppose illnesses and bugs, which remunerates the farmer with great yields and spares them time. These crops develop quick they deliver good yields. Since they are impervious to most illnesses and bugs, the farmer will spend less cash on pesticides, which consequently increments on their (RIO) rate of profitability.
Development of animal feeds
This has tackled the issue of chasing for grass to bolster creatures, now these feeds can be produced and consumed by farm animals. The cost of these bolster is reasonable with the goal that a low pay farmer can manage the cost of them. Most of these manufactured animal feeds have extra nutrition which improve on the animals health and the out put of these animals will also increase
In agriculture , the health of the animals will decide its yield. Poorly feed animals are undesirable and they produce poorly
Breeding of animals which are resistant to diseases.
Most of these genetically produced animals will produce more milk or fur compared to normal animals. This helps the farmer because production will be high. Cross breeding is great in animal grazing, cross breed animals are more solid and beneficial.
Irrigation of plants.
In dry territories like deserts, farmers have grasped technology to water their crops. A decent illustration is in Egypt, were farmers utilize water pumps to gather water from waterway Nile to their crops. The vast majority of these farmers develop rice which needs a considerable measure of water, so they figure out how to grow this rice utilizing water system strategies improved by cutting edge technology. Propelled water sprinklers are being utilized to water enormous farms and this enables the crops to get enough water which is fundamental in their development. A few farmers blend supplements in this water, so additionally enhances the development of these crops.
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Now a days technology become ao fast. Every thing is done in a minute