The reality is that one of you is definitely crazy and it's not you....
I have a similar problem with my mother in law who still has 4 horses left over from her eralier days of trail riding, hunting and breeding, but everything she knows is either self-taught or was taught to her by her friend who is self taught. Combine this with a fragile ego and inability to take the advice of others, I often find myself resisting the urge to pull out my own hair with frustration.
Some people just can't handle admiting the truth, even when the opposite only incriminates them further.
lol. Yup, good points.
This is a great person and client, but we have been having some "educational" moments lately.
I'm too old and tired to just hush and let stuff that matters not be said.
I know the feeling, to not speak up feels like we are betraying our own values. In general it's widely agreed upon that to stand idly by knowing something wrong is occurring makes you just as guilty as the wrong-doer.
All we can do stick to our guns, practice what we preach and remember the most important thing - the horse couldn't care less about our pride or opinions, he only cares that his feet don't hurt!