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in #fascism6 years ago (edited)

Thanks trem, this platform is a joke now. I knew something was up when Dollar Vigilante (Berwick) was pulling out $300 - $700 USD PER POST last year. And the year before. It just goes to show that the absurd claim that "this place is different, fair, better, and for the people" is 99% always bull shit. And not because the technology, or the idea is bad. But because the propensity for most human beings is to give in to.... greed.


Dollar Vigilante (Berwick) was pulling out $300 - $700 USD PER POST last year.

It's not normal. Paying for conspiracy and bullshitting such big money is really dark side of steem.

jeff berwick has made me a fortune and if he is a bullshitter you people live in the dark if you believe he is a bullshitter
ive turned a 1000 into 50,000 in four months with berwick i wonder what you consider truth lmao
wake up people SGT thinks trump is helping the people you guys are lost even if your hearts are in the right place
berwick knows more in his pinky than SGT knows in his entire being and in saying that SGT is trying to help people and informing them but his lineof thinking is lost if he thinks berwick is a bullshitter
wake the fuck up people

Hey man my last 100 or so posts cover this topic. I absolutely agree with you 100%. It turned out to be run by scammers who were self profiteering for only themselves and their friends. These people also are group thinkers, and seem to stomp on any form of free speech by graying everything out anyone who is a free thinker says. They will say it can still be seen, however it is hidden unless a person clicks "show" once downvoted. Hence suppressed. Which is the very definition of censorship.

Regardless of all of that, it is written on the last page of their white paper that Steem was an experiment. And in all honesty I had that feeling long before I took the time to read the whitepaper. On top of that they share all of your data/information/name/email.. and they say in their privacy policy by using their service you grant them permission to do so.

At any rate long story short, I am in a power down. And I totally hear ya man, and agree. This place is a shit show.

They made their profits, and are now done with the experiment.. here is a post I made an hour ago or so about it.. if your interested..

And one last one about the experiment..

I am in contact with HighImpactFlix and he has been a target of the censorship here too. He has well over a half million followers on YT. The way they treat their customers is mind blowing.

Its as if it is ran by scamming hackers who are in kahoots.. oh wait! lol

Cheers man

im going to miss you buddy when and if you ever leave lmao
your the best and say it how it is and mention beanie when most are to scared or value money over truth
have an amazing day buddy

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Yeah man Smidge is right. As you can see here that berniesanders account was among the first ones here. Even before the CEO. I am 99.9% sure he is the man behind the curtain. (Look at account 'ID' number)

You can view these stats by visiting

Then you can click on the left side bar which says 'General Data' this will give you information about any account you are interested in. I have checked the accounts that downvoted you @sgtreport and it is all the same person.. the big cheese, the head honcho..

Also Steem is not decentralized. They lied about that. The top 20 'witnesses' run the chain and need to be voted in by 'Pumpkin' whom I believe is 'BernieSanders'. It doesn't matter how many regular people vote for a 'witness'.. no vote from 'Pumpkin' = you can not be a top 20 witness.. and there for you have no real power over the blockchain.

If they all agree (which they have to or Pumpkin gives them the boot) then anything they are told to edit/alter/change can and will be changed. This happens during a 'hard fork'.

Let me know if you need any more info man.


couldnt have said it better myself and fuck beanie jerkoff pincushion shitstain bot fucking sanders
hes a joke here and just like you if he wasnt around i would have been gone long ago
just seen you left me a message bud i will go check it in ten
be safe take care and starve the beast and dirty beanie lol

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