For to be free is not merely to cast off ones chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others - Nelson Mandela

idlechild.us | InstagramFollow @idle.child |
Handmade in Minneapolis, MN
For to be free is not merely to cast off ones chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others - Nelson Mandela
idlechild.us | InstagramFollow @idle.child |
Handmade in Minneapolis, MN
I liked your photos.
Thank you!
A lot of good photos. I'd suggest you refine what you post, a lot of the photos in this post are very similar, if you filtered out so that you only posted the best photo of each pose/situation, you would have an overall more interesting post in my opinion.
Just my 2c
Thanks for the advice. Although, in my experience, I find this to be a fairly normal amount of images for this type of editorial work.
Some intriguing poses. I assume it was ad lib on the moment. Rather appreciated and enjoyed it.
Thank you! :)
I LOVE this! very cool and Happy 4th! Love the star on the shorts! <3
Thank you, I appreciate it! :)
interesting shots @idle.child!
Wow, what a great images! Keep up the good work!
Hello, I'm in love with your photos. I'm really getting that rockstar mixed with cochella vibe. Would you be so kind to give us a bit of advice on how to pull that off? I'm not yet a photographer myself, but I'm trying to learn.
Can I smoke that booty?