Hello everyone!
Today we woke up with -1ºC and with a beautiful moon outside the window. The winter days in Norway feel like long nigths to me.
photo taken at 9:40 a.m
Today I’m really excited to share this post with you becouse is about something that I love to do since I was child: shopping in second hand stores! I really like the sensation to get some old and beautiful treasures that people let behind, plus help the enviroment and save some money.
So today I took some time to show you one of the main second hand stores in Norway.
Fretex is the largest second-hand chain store in Norway. There is a total of 50 second-hand stores and you can find all kinds of stuffs here like shoes, clothes, kitchen items, furniture, books, toys, etc..
All the items in sale come from people donations, so is really common to see a lot of collection containers from Fretex in the whole city. There is around 2000 containers like this in the whole country.
Most of the stores are quite big and clean, they also have fitting rooms and nice personal.
But how about the prices? Mhm. Like a professional second hand buyer I think fretex have quite high prices, so that is why I prefer to buy in smalls and independent second-hand stores now. So just to give you an idea, today I found this nice jacket for men in almost 500NOK (around 60 USD)
I also find some good quality women’s jackets for 349 NOK (42 USD), those are more affordable but still are high price for me, taking in consideration that many people know that you can find something nice for the same price in H&M (questionable quality but at least it is new).
And how about this beautiful polar bear for 65 NOK (almost 8 USD)
Or this nice souvenir cup for only 20 NOK (2.5 USD)
Maybe you are interesting in some art too (without a price tag in it)
I guess Fretex is a good store for beginners in Norway, but after some years in this country I found some nice ‘underground’ places where you can get all kinds of things in a really good price.
By the way, what do you think about the Norwegian prices in Fretex? Did you like the store? Are you buying second hand things too?
I waiting for your comments
See you soon / Vi ses snart 👋
Hola lamexicana, buena publicación, me gusta mucho :)
Muchas gracias @karja 🙂