12 Dressing Rules Which Can Make A Difference In Your Personality Instantly.(part2)

in #fashion7 years ago
  1. Go with either mini skirt or cleavage, not both.
    A mini skirt is sexy and a little cleavage is classy. But obviously, both don’t go together as it becomes too vulgar then.

  2. Forget the tie.IMG_20180321_182055.jpg
    Some dressing rules are just eminent. And wearing a tie with shirt, when there is no jacket just destroys the personality.

  3. Cleavage show in office is not necessary.
    It just portrays you as an attention seeker, making a bad impact on your personality. The cleavage in your office shirts should not be deeper than 4 inches from collar bone.

  4. Tucked-in shirt should always be complemented with a belt.IMG_20180321_182112.jpg
    Otherwise, the look just seems incomplete. To be a perfect gentleman you need to work on dressing first. Because that’s what talks about your personality for you, in creating the first impression.

  5. Your belt and shoe colours should match each other.IMG_20180321_182128.jpg
    That’s like one of the fashion Bible rules. Guys, never go out with unmatching belt and shoes. That just makes the whole attire look unbalanced.

  6. No tags should be left hanging from the dress.
    Do u want people to know, for how much you bought a dress? Do you want them to judge you? So remember to pull out all the tags before stepping out in a dress.

  7. Your naked skin should not be seen while sitting.IMG_20180321_182147.jpg
    For that, your socks are supposed to be long enough. Ankle length socks would not help.

  8. Spaghetti straps do not fall into formal rules.
    It is highly inappropriate for office use. You might wear a top without sleeves, but it should cover the shoulder.


Opino igual... excepto por la regla numero dos.
La corbata es un accesorio en el vestuario masculino, y hay circunstancias que requiere solo una corbata para completar el atuendo, todo va a depender de la circunstancia y de la cultura de la región o país.
Gracias...buena información.

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