The man's jacket is the clothes that cover the upper body and the length is only up to the waist. When the weather is cold, the jacket is very fitting for you to use. The types of jackets are numerous with a wide selection of models and materials. Of all the types of jackets that exist, at least you should have 5 types of men's jacket below to maximize your style!CONTENT BY:@ojan3
Windbreaker Jacket
Windbreaker jacket has a characteristic rubber on the wrist, hoodie, and collar so it is suitable for men who often spend time in cold-tempered areas or when riding a motorcycle. This man's jacket is specially designed so as to keep the body temperature normal and warm despite the unfavorable weather conditions.Bomber Jacket
Bomber jacket has another name flight jacket. The Outer was originally used by pilots and became a teen fashion trend of the 1970s. In the 1990s, this jacket returned trend and used by hip hop singers and musicians. This man's jacket has a characteristic bulky or fat form, equipped with a zipper and bag on both sides. It's an inspiration style using a bomber jacket that you can follow.Varsity Jacket
Originally, this jacket was named Letterman Jacket and was only used by Harvard University students. Over time, the varsity jacket spread its use to other campuses until high school and is now used by anyone. Characteristic of this jacket is embroidered letters on the left chest. Combine this jacket with casual t-shirts to complement your appearance.Leather Jacket
As the name implies, this man's jacket is made of leather, both genuine leather and synthetic leather. This jacket is perfect if you want a vintage look or if you want to look more maskoolin. Leather jacket is also very fit to use when riding a motorcycle. Learn tips on buying a leather jacket as a motorcycle jacket right here.Denim Jacket
You must be familiar with this one man's jacket. A cursory denim jacket looks like a shirt, but with a short, straight piece of the waist. Denim jackets transformed from the work clothes of American workers
United in the late 1800s became one of the latest inventions in the fashion world that is not edible era. The choice of motifs and shapes are also now very diverse. You must have a denim jacket because this one item you can use in various occasions.
Which type of man's jacket do you already have? Do not forget to complete your jacket collection so that the choice of your style more diverse!
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The first or second option suits me better. I also prefer that the jacket be made of durable and high-quality material, like these