You are totally right with shopping less! I hadn't bought anything new this year until this past weekend, and even then it was only a few items I really needed. It is crazy though how our culture, especially for women's fashion, is so tied up in getting new things every season. I am starting to care less and less about wearing the same things all of the time. When I do shop anymore I try to only buy something if I feel really fantastic in it. If I feel really good in it, why wouldn't I want to wear it all the time? That is one thing where I think getting older helps--I care less each passing year what anyone else thinks about my choices as long as I know I am making conscious ones to be a better steward of this planet. Thanks for bringing up this topic and helping make us more aware!
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So incredibly true. I am actually planning to write more on the pressures of re-wearing clothes and how to combat them. Sounds trivial, but actually by getting past that social pressure we can make a huge change.