5 ludicrous ways in which living ethically is really hard.

in #fashion5 years ago


Next week I’m going to be posting some musings on my understanding of how society became the wasteful capitalist box in which we live our lives. Before I let those thoughts loose on the internet I wanted to first write about how hard it is to live ethically and still participate in society.

My entire experience as a human is built upon a foundation of war, colonisation, and other human atrocities. I find myself conflicted about what sort of difference aiming to live an ethical sustainable life actually makes in the big picture, because the waste I produce as an individual, and the impact of putting my $ where my morals are doesn’t even register as a blip on anyone who matters radar.

So here are some things I wish weren’t so hard about ethical living:

READ THE FULL POST HERE: https://theemeraldruby.com/the-emerald-ruby/5-ludicrous-ways-in-which-living-ethically-is-really-hard

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