For sure has a lot more benefits, like you said - the first one being weight loss.
It's amazing that while you are fasting the digestive system ''shuts down'' and the energy goes towards cleansing and detoxifying the body from toxins, unwanted chemicals, getting rid of old and weak cells while producing new ones and so on.
I will post more about this amazing remedy which can be done in different methods : intermittent fasting, juice fasting, water fasting, dry fasting, etc.
can't say I'm a fan of juice fasting as that's just fruit sugar. Sure it has nutrients etc, but without the fiber its going to trigger all the hormonal changes to make you body a fat-storing machine. plus you will be starving all the time. I find it easier to not eat at all and get all the benefits of autophagy (which is what you describe - . But each to their own ;)