
I've never heard of otherkin/transtrender - what is that?

transtrenders is people ummm, infinity genders and say that there is no such thing as a gender binary.

otherkin is the same idea as the transtrenders but they believe it doesn't have to be a human that they identifiy as. they think they are a wolf stuck in a humans body or even dragons.

Its all this tumblr made up make believe.

Just type in therian or otherkin on a search and you will see.

chek this out

The transtrender thing I can understand - some people may not feel that they are one sex or the other but I don't agree that there is no such think as two genders.

The animal thing in the video just seems to me to be people being eccentric for the sake of attention.

I suppose as long as they aren't harming someone it is OK even though it is odd.

I have done many posts about the otherkin thing.and the whole ordeal of feelings over facts and science.
Its been a while but I have done a good amount of them. its hard to find othekin videos to post about because they are kids and its wrong to make fun of kids.

here are a couple of my old posts

its because you don't know how deep it goes. its this whole idea that how you feel or iditenfiy is more important then actual facts. they are teaching this stuff to their siblings and kids as young as 7 are telling their parents they are actually a fox and not human. parents enabeling these kids is not helping them. Just like the 700lb lady they aren't hurting anyone else but trying to make it the norm and even "cool" is not helping anyone. Playing aong with someones make belive land games does not help them learn to deal with reality.
Also they are harming others, they are even pushing this crap on mtv.
here is a video I made a bit ago on the other kin mtv video.

also there is crap like this getting celibrated.

I agree it is problematic if things are being taught to children as fact. The people in the videos like this are hard to take seriously though. I'm not sure if they truly believe it (as in a delusion) or if they are pretending they do for the attention or to be different. It is a weird situation for sure.

Perhaps you should do a post on the animal thing?

I think it started out as pretending and now that the kids are so young being taught this stuff actually believe it now.
If u look up therian on youtube most of the videos uploaded daily are from little kids. telling someone they aren't really a fox or whatever might hurt their feelings but in the long run it would be good for them.

This is how I see it.