Original upload source by Tony Pantalleresco https://independz.podbean.com/e/me1-15-2019/
Blue beam technology is right in the homes and can be utilized as a DEW to target people who do not comply. Anything that is going to take your rights as a man or a woman is demonic--even the entitlement of men and women being taken is demonic nano-integration, which changes our DNA to complement us to the AI or the MACHINE. Being in an AI hologram, watching the matrix. We are watching the planet from their reality, as presented like the AI fantasy. What is really left--a dead planet.
AI and the level of advancements of how far it is, how quickly it learns/adapts, and what we really do not know about all this. AI is the most dangerous thing that is in the earth today. The media is doing to play down the dangers of the AI. We are seeing is the barbie dolls of the AI; the advancement of the models that they are utilizing are not realized, especially in warfare. The rate of the knowledge and the use of the knowledge is not disclosed. The Mandela effect is an AI effect. The stage is slowly being reorganized, and we are being introduced into it without the awareness of this happening.
Does Society Realize It Is Being Initiated?
Silica toxicity in abstract for "Silicic acid: its gastrointestinal uptake and urinary excretion in man and effects on aluminium excretion": https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10612067
Vaccine data and "...the Adverse Effects to Our Health": http://www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/Vaccines/Vaccines
White Russian drink breaks down fat in liver.
Thick whipping cream
vodka (solvent)
baking soda
citric acid
vanilla yogurt
GHOST In SHELL HD FULL Documentary by Nicholson1968:
Parallels..See The Big Picture by Nicholson1968:
Building the Perfect Beast:
Artificial Intelligence Lucifer's Vessel:
Make your own Free Diesel from Waste Plastic:
community service channel, uploading Tony's podcasts.
nanopoisoning resources:
donate to support http://www.themicroeffect.com/microeffect/donate/
sign in for chatroom access to links: http://www.TheMicroEffect.com/MicroEffect/chatroom/
check schedule for date and time for when Tony's on live: http://www.TheMicroEffect.com/MicroEffect/schedule-2/
http://Bryan396.com/ 's Mainstream Nano Docs https://plus.google.com/collection/ULVqTE
tony's resource directory by s'mo https://tinyurl.com/yazm6fdn
tony's catalog and inventory http://tinyurl.com/ybtpvcr8
tony's database https://tinyurl.com/lcgey9y
HerbsPlusBeadWorks' remedies https://tinyurl.com/y897fewe
collaborators: i) Suzanne Maher's https://ByeByeBlueSky.com/
ii) https://www.GagCanada.com/#
protocols for colon health http://tinyurl.com/y74amu5y
contact details for consultation: independz at yahoo dot com
questions: +1 51nine 97seven 535one
or +1 20eight 93five 009four
Accepting liability offers under full immunity without recourse.