
Thank you!
We need a whale to Power up the faucet!
They can make a great Faucet for every one whith symply one upvote!
send you a faucet for your good work!
because my upvote gives you nothing!

@incomemonthly May I use this image for my upcoming virtual growth steem faucet as well? Thank you so very much in advance! :D

You might want to change it up so they don't all look the same. I saw this one before which is pretty cool too. The guy through the concept out there but never ran with it.

So you have created the image self?

can we make it to an official logo for this first Faucet!

I tweeked a few images and added the text. So you can make the the official image for your faucets.

Yeah makes sense that I adjust it some so that it distinguishes itself. Thank you