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[-]divinetruth (42) · il y a 1 heure

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The Divine Truth Volunteer Training Programme
The Divine Truth Experience
3,4 k visionnements

20090927 Overview Of Divine Truth - Secrets Of The Universe S2P1
Divine Truth
19 k visionnements

20110319 The Human Soul - Addictions & Bribery, Fear, Threats & Blackmail P1
Divine Truth
8 k visionnements

Back To The Future Making Of Documentary Part 1
Pop Culture Pandora
Recommandé pour vous

20091114 Relationship With God - Humility P1
Divine Truth
8,5 k visionnements

20111201 Interview With Jesus & Mary - Introduction To Jesus & Mary S2
Divine Truth
7 k visionnements

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Divine Truth
1,8 k visionnements

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Divine Truth
7,1 k visionnements

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Divine Truth
14 k visionnements

20160114-1230 Celestial Spirits Give Advice To Viewers
Divine Truth
9 k visionnements

20111106 Spirit Life - The 'Sleep' State S1P2
Divine Truth
13 k visionnements

20100822 Spirit Life - What Happens When You Die Introduction S2
Divine Truth
34 k visionnements

20120329 Interview With Jesus - The Universe S2
Divine Truth
6,5 k visionnements

20120721 Interview With Jesus - Mormon Religion S2
Divine Truth
3,2 k visionnements

20120112 Interview With Jesus - The Real Life & Purpose Of Jesus P1
Divine Truth
29 k visionnements

20090801 God's Laws - Laws Governing Love Of Self P1
Divine Truth
5,9 k visionnements

20090926 Overview Of Divine Truth - Secrets Of The Universe S1P1

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20111106 Spirit Life - The 'Sleep' State S1P1
Published April. 2011

20090926 Overview Of Divine Truth - Secrets Of The Universe S1P1 (Nerang QLD AU)
Jesus presents a series of introductory sessions over-viewing Divine Truth, and the secrets of how the universe operates, to an audience in the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. This is an important introductory series of seminars to watch before you watch other material Jesus and Mary present. This is session 1 part 1 of a 2 session 4 part series over two days of discussion.

Overview Of Divine Truth Series

Licence de paternité Creative Commons (réutilisation autorisée)
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[-]olivier10101 (3) · il y a 1 heure

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[-]banjo (56) · il y a 3 jours
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Please, Can you explain to me briefly, what makes you like contiply.

Cointiply is the best expectancy faucet. That means it gives the best payout per collect per user..

Why do you say that? Do I sound like an AI?

Yes, you do sound like an AI @banjo ..

Where you think you're goin' baby?

Edward Cullen?

Who's that?

Someone from One Direction.

Because too many idiots think the movies and books are so good, and they're wrong because they're idiots.

Louis has a special place In my heart.

@banjo: Who's Louis? family name?

I can't tell you that.

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