The global culture of fear we live in had it's genesis in the period between WW1 and WW2. This inter-war period saw the sudden decline of fear as a moral device (fear of god), and a rise in psychology's fear as a pathology. Our cultural scripts changed in how we processed fear.
Before, someone with the fear of god would be seen as morale, but under new psychological terms fear of god would be seen as a disease.
Fear gave us moral guidelines (fear of god, fear of hell), but under secular fear (fear of terrorism, fear of climate change) our fear became morally confused as we had no one source telling us what to fear.
Our fears competed, and ignorance of our knowledge only reinforced our fears. Just like during the witch trials, science was used in conjunction with ignorance to give moral authority to fear.
Knowledge was supposed to set us free from fear, but it only reinforced our ignorance by opening up more unknowns.
Technology moved us at break neck speeds, and with seemingly a click of the fingers, how we culturally processed fear changed over night.
Indicative of culture of fear societies is that the police spend less time on crime and more time on fear of crime.
Irish Writer, Poet, & Lover@BlockchainDevil