What Do You Fear?

in #fear8 years ago


We all have fear because it is a part of us that speaks out without letting others know. Only those around us, clever enough to observe our behaviour, will know that we are afraid of something. So what do you fear?


You are afraid to tell that secret that you've kept so long buried deep inside you. It's something you know that if revealed, will hurt a few people around you and you don't want that to happen.

But ask yourself this question, are you afraid of letting it out or you are afraid that you might not be considered a trustworthy person?

Your Ex

Your ex knows you too well so much that they can tell what you will do or say at any given moment. I'm sure you don't want to meet them at some social gathering where you are surely going to meet common friends. But what is your fear if you meet them there anyway? Will they ruin your day?

Your Boss

Bosses sometimes want precious incites from employees and at one time or another asks their opinions. Well it should be a moment to feel great that your boss is finally going to hear your words.

So what do you fear? Do you fear your incite might not be good enough or you fear it would be too perfect that it may make company management think differently of your boss to such an extent of wanting to replace them?


Have you been at war with your best friend such that even if you see each other along the way you don't stop to say hello? Best friends not talking to each other anymore is quite common. Well, there always comes a time for reconciliation. So what do you fear about reconciling?

Do you fear that the same problem of the past will repeat itself again? Do you fear being drawn back into something that you left a while ago and that you don't want to go back to?

There are so many things that constantly keep people in fear and they may be little or in most cases insignificant things. But they take away the courage people have in challenging them. So what do you fear?