Ugh, fear...!! You know I actually thought for most of my life that I didn't have fear. Ha haaa!!
Until I moved to Berlin. This city has brought me to my knees and shown me all my fears. Luckily I'm on the other side now...
There are certain things in life that we have trouble explaining/healing from a rational scientific point of view. Fear is one of them, I believe. Fear's only purpose is to keep us alive in a life or death situation. It either makes us run, freeze or fight. For our life.
In normal every day life it has no purpose, yet it's there. And even though a piece of news shouldn't trigger a flight or fight response, it makes us imagine worst case scenarios and puts our whole system on alarm. That's what makes us ill.
I have no solutions for that on that level, that's why I can only deal with fear from a spiritual perspective - the duality of love and fear. I believe fear can only be "loved" away.
That doesn't mean we have to enjoy or like the fear, it just means that we acknowledge it and give it a place. Mostly we try to avoid it and distract ourselves, but that makes it stick even more and clouds our thinking. We can't run away from it.
My experience is that reality is always much kinder than our fear wants to make us believe. Our fears put us in hell, while the world out there is beautiful.
My new way of dealing with fear is to allow myself to feel it (this might be an old way for you or anyone else...).
I literally sit down and say "Anja, you're experiencing fear. This is what it feels like in your body." Last time I did this, the situation got "magically" resolved after I allowed myself to imagine the worst case scenario in detail. It was all in my head...
And sometimes we just have off days. And a couple of days later our hormones or mood or whatever influences us are in balance again and we think about the same subject in a completely different and more relaxed way.
Maybe it helps to remember that you don't have to believe every single thought you have :)
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