I completely understand your fears. My son is autistic and his lack of verbal skills has always proved a challenge. He is 18 now. He used to have to see a pediatric dentist because regular dentists were never attune to his needs.
I'm so glad to see essential oils and stones as part of your health kit. I too use essential oils and some crystals. I want to learn more though so I'm going to go hit that "follow" button. I just bought my first bottle of ylang-ylang so I'm glad to see some information about how it can used.
I hope everything went well and you and yours have had a happy holiday season.
Thank you. Gosh it’s awful isn’t it 😥 We definitely love the paediatric dentist way more than any other one any of us have seen. We put so much trust in these people though, handing over our precious & vulnerable children ❤️