We are conditioned by fear and loss aversion to avoid situations where we might make a mistake (i.e. learn). Many look to experts to guide their every move, failing to realize those people became experts through their own willingness to experience a failure and learn from it.
The next time you think you can't learn something, just try. Start small. Make mistakes. Learn. The best educators don't want to be your crutch, but they want to see you join them on a journey of discovery.
Ask any expert or successful person and they will usually have many, many stories of failure and what they learned from it. The key is, don't make the same mistakes twice.
For thoughts on this as it relates to learning about cryptocurrency, see: How Do You Teach Experience? What Will Your Cryptocurrency Story Be?
Meta Thought
What do you think of short-form content like this? I share it on Facebook or Twitter often, but sometimes don't post it on Steemit also. That's probably silly.
Random Thought
How valuable are "How are you today?" chats on steemit.chat and discord? I get maybe 5 or so a day with people who (mostly) genuinely want to build relationship with me. Others are just looking for upvotes. I usually reply with a link to this post because I don't spend my time in chats like that. This morning I was also thinking about how the real relationships I want to build don't spend much time on small talk. They share big, world-changing ideas with passion. That's where they spend their time.

Luke Stokes is a father, husband, business owner, programmer, STEEM witness, and voluntaryist who wants to help create a world we all want to live in. Visit UnderstandingBlockchainFreedom.com

Am glad i did not allow fear rule. Today i am doing very well in my career and a role model to many. My mistakes taught me better, i am more safety oriented than most of my colleagues.
I take safety classes in my company and one thing i do teach is,
""never be scared to make mistakes, but always be quick to correct them. Learn from them and make them build you to become better"You very right @lukestokes. When we fear to make miatakes, we never learn. I was brought up in a society where failure is a stigma, when you fail, you are judge as a dull kid. It really affected my growing up, cos for fear of failing making a mistake, i will never dare to try. But that changed when i grew older and understood that when i make mistakes, i get better trying again. I made mistakes building my career, cost me my first job(as a result of the stigma that comes with making mistakes in my society). I almost gave up for fear.
Well, short content, i would say is good. The only thing i fear, is if it wont be abused....like post some 2-3 words content.
Interesting motivating content @lukestoke. Really liked it.
I was mostly raised by "older" people; my parents were near 40 when I was born and many of their friends would more naturally have been the age of grandparents. But that also meant I grew up around a lot of wisdom.
There was a retired friend of my fathers who taught me the game of golf as a teenager, but he also talked a lot about life... and your post reminded me of something he often used to say:
"He who hasn't made a mistake, usually hasn't made ANYthing."
As a kid, it sounded sort of odd to me, but with the hindsight of years, it has come to be quite meaningful.
Of course, then there's the popular business myth (which I have never been able to verify) that the popular cleaner "Formula 409" is thus named because the previous 408 didn't do as well as the developers were hoping for. Yeah, that one is more of a flip joke... but still illustrates the point.
engagement. Which, of course, is my particular passion with Steemit.I value them, oddly enough. For the past 60 days or so, I have tossed in a @zappl post every 8-10 posts or so-- and the level of engagement has been impressive; sometimes garnering upwards of 100 comments. I think they can be excellent conversation/discussion starters if formed as a question, and we take a little time to specifically shape them for
Short form also invites a new audience that might otherwise give our long form content the TL;DR rejection.
Meaningful connections and relationship building IS the backbone of social content platforms... we're both "career" bloggers; I know for me it's the long comments with "meat on their bones" that make the effort worthwhile, not the "nice post, please vote me's"
Steemit is sort of unique in that every one of the 400-some people I follow have something interesting to offer... and yet it's almost impossible for me to keep up with them. By comparison, following 400 people on Facebook barely makes a blip in my morning. Which tells me this place has a certain magic and potential to truly change the world that we just haven't seen before.
Sorry, there I went again, blogging on your blog...
I absolutely love your blogging on my blog. :)
Thanks! Because I'm a bit of a numbers/data nerd, I track pretty much everything... on any given day, I seem to write more "long form" comments than I write actual posts.
Incidentally, you helped inspire last night's post (about what a world we all want to live in actually LOOKS like). Bringing that up because that's yet another brilliant thing about Steemit as a social platform; there's this great "cross pollination" of ideas and inspiration here that I have just not seen elsewhere.
Fail Forward :-)
Upvoted your comment as if it was a standalone post. Great content.
I also enjoy some of the short thought posts. You dont always have time to sit and read every post. Finding an insightful short post can be a breathe of fresh air.
I always teach my employees the same thing about mistakes. You learn more from mistakes than doing everything right.
Hi. I agree with you. Regards
Not being afraid to fail is a vote of confidence in yourself because it says that you believe in your inherent worth and potential. Come what may, up market, down market, you believe you have substance. You are a hodler in yourself.
People who are afraid to fail don't have a belief in their inherent value. They believe what they have been able to collect is maybe all the value their lives have and that they may not be able to make more of it.
I struggle with this. I have not made a post yet because I don't feel like I have anything of value to offer. I've wanted to start a business, but the money I've saved was so hard earned that I don't see myself being and therefore creating enough value to ever recoop it, let alone be successful.
I've tried to change this or go against my nature, but it's not just a question of fear. It's a question of feeling insubstantial and hollow.
I like the short form sometimes. It's more subjectively interactive than a story or news article which are valuable but invite a 'good story' or debate type response.
I love this:
Based on the quality of this comment, I think you do have value to bring. Go set your avatar image, a blog background image, and a short description. Publish your first post, even if it's to talk about your concerns about writing your first post (or starting a business). Be vulnerable and true. Share who you are with the world and discover what the world shares back.
Short substantial content can be awesome sometimes especially for those people who had short attention span. I like reading long article if it mostly sustain my interest. Mistake is part of life,the most important thing is we learn from it and not making the same mistakes again. Thanks @lukestokes
I can completely relate. I tell people I am at a point in life where if I am not uncomfortable I am not doing something right lol! It’s amazing how much fear I notice and when I sit with it and send it love it disapates much more quickly! Thanks for sharing
Precisely!.... We need to bomb keeping in mind the end goal to succeed. Since with each come up short, you gain from the experience what doesn't work and how to settle it.
Each fruitful individual went trough the way of disappointment before they found the way of accomplishment.
It's a piece of life. We gain from our missteps since the day we are conceived.
I think this short substance is constantly cool,
since you don't really require gigantic substance to demonstrate a point. Any length of substance can incite sentiments and thoughts!..Carry on dear ...
The question about the short content form is interesting, as i d love to post more of these on steemit. Or maybe its the other way around: i feel like i should write longer posts for steemit and thats sometimes keeping me from posting at all.
i liked your short content post, so i might give it a try to use those here as well. I feel encouraged by yours, so: thank you :-)
I see so many people who are afraid to even try to do things because they're so afraid they won't be good at them right off the bat. Fear of failure holds so many people back and in general it seems to get a little more extreme with each new generation.
Exactly! We have to fail in order to succeed. Because with each fail, you learn from the experience what doesn't work and how to fix it. Every successful person went trough the path of failure before they found the path of success. It's part of life. We learn from our mistakes since the day we are born.
I think this short content is always cool, because you don't necessarily need huge content to prove a point. Any length of content can provoke opinions and ideas!
Great words of advice. One of my favorite sayings, that I tell our photography students all the time, is: If you're not failing, your not trying hard enough. Failure is scary, but it helps us learn.
I agree with a lot of the sentiment you have here. Failure is definitely the key to success and, as you said, any person that is successful can tell you that. Also on your meta thought, I like short form posts like this. Sometimes the quick thought is really nice to see :).
I've made a lot of mistakes in life, and had a lot of failures... if the most successful people fail the most, then maybe I'm on the path to success :) IRL those social niceties are a very important social lubricant... online, not as useful... we all wanna cut to the chase and get to the issue... too much "hi what's up" is enjoyable at times, but can really hold us back from accomplishing the mission
The big key for me is learning from each failure and extrapolating that out to every other permutation to recognize lessons learned in the future without more unnecessary failure. Previous failures teach me lessons about new things I haven't yet encountered (along with understanding the failures of others).
well, previously I didn't have good focus or direction for my life... I always had goals and ambitions, but they were pie in the sky. Now, because of steem, I have real direction, and am slowly beginning to compose. Steem has given me something really to live for, and grow into. I get to leave behind former addictions and vices, and pour myself into writing learning and crypto :)
I love the sound of that. :)
On short posts like this - I like them. I mean if the short posts can state out all the important stuff you wanted to say, then it can still be consideres as a good post. If you nail your topic with a fewer words that means people get you and your words got to people.
On building a relationships - I agree. Small talk isn't the way to go and it often doesn't lead nowhere. Of course people are different, but I have noticed that if you click with someone, you don't need small talk like "How was today?" You just barge in and say "Yo man, I had the craziest day" or something and the topic keeps evolving by itself.^^
I just leave this link here:
The importance to make mistakes in College. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/09/opinion/sunday/dumb-mistakes-college.html
These days, students cannot make mistakes anymore, without being doxed
Interesting article, but I think it demonstrates more about how screwed up colleges and "mainstream media outrage" is than anything else. Maybe being publicly shamed for stupid actions is better than being violently thrown in a cage by police (or, as I think of them at times, mafia enforcers with costumes).
Obviously, we have different opinions and maybe experiences with the executive branch of our countries :)
(we don't live in the same, I would guess)
I would never address them like you did, and I had some experiences with them;)
But thrown in a cage by police for a short time you can survive.
Public shame on the Internet, that last a lifetime, with maybe just minor employment.
With nothing being private anymore.
My thoughts on privacy and human well-being.
Hey Lukestokes! I really do love your candour. This is exactly what I needed at this point in time. I have always been scares of making a bold move to start my own organization because of fear of failure.
So last December, I held my first programme which was a success. Just before I read this, the fear of failure was setting in again... But now, I am ready to learn! I will make my own mistakes and learn!
Thanks for this, short but expedient
Good luck on your new venture!
I just dedicated a post to you.
It's true, I always say to my students: you are going to make mistakes, get used it, learn from it and grow. There are a lot of people that are afraid to be ridiculous so they don't try at all. We have to overcome our fear. It's the only way we really can learn. Well, Now I think.... I am doing the same! Oh my God, I didn't make my second post yet because I am so afraid! :s
Hahah! And the teacher becomes the student. It's a good thing to recognize. Go make that post!
Fear of Failure is actually another facet of the primary fear, which is fear of death, of annihilation, of the end of bloodline and species. It's our forgetting that we are immortal and infinite in our essence. Fear of failure comes with the package at the time of birth, but can be transcended, at least most of it, by doing exactly what you said- taking small steps to the very direction where the fear does not want you to go. Great article bro Luke!
This post is especially relevant for me now. I have a dream, but I'm afraid to take the first step. I'm 30 years old, I'm afraid to start writing my book for 10 years. It's shameful and stupid. But I'm still afraid. These are the words of a loser, are not they?)
You're only a loser if you fall down and don't get back up.
You are right, this is the truth
Not at all enjoy it and write for you, if you publish and succeed, feel happier but if not, it will be a personal achievement and that also transcends
This thought is wonderful, you can really write for yourself. But I'm afraid not to cope even with this)
I'm often heard quoting, "If you don't have a plan to succeed, you will work for someone who does." However, sometimes a plan may be to just shoot from the hip, because the only true failure is when one stops trying.
Thanks for the link to https://steemit.com/steemitistome/@lukestokes/steemitistome-relationships-reputation-and-rewards
Well said, Adam. :)
I wrote something similar not too long ago (and by that, I mean a "year" ago), and it's something I'm looking to ultimately shed. You're one of the people that has helped me realize it, so I just wanted to extend my gratitude to you, man. Fear is the mind-killer. Quite too often, people miss out because of fear of trying. I do hope that this year, more people would have the courage to be bold and put themselves out there.
"Fear is the mind-killer"
I love Dune. :)
Ha! I just knew you would get that reference!
@lukestokes those of us who are crazy enought to think they can change the world, actually change it! Agreed! Time is precious and we need to learn every day to focus on the important things that matter. First the family, and then building important relationships that will help ourselves change things and the world to make it a better place every day!
Regards, @gold84
I remember my day 1 on steemit.. When I texted you because I was new and saw u on steemit chat... And at that time I didn't even know your name and haven't checked your profile.... I just texted you because you were online.. and we had a bit of conversation... And I think my convo was like how are you sir.. and after that I get that gift from you.. and this chance to meet you and a few people here.. and I respect that kind of bonding or in my words friendship.. and that means alot for me. Thankyou sir.
I used to fear a lot, thinking what if I did it wrong, what if ppl are going to say bad about me. I also think one of the most important about learning or generally to sucess is believe in yourself which was something that I particularly lack of. But I have been wanting to do daily videos of my life for the longest time and steemit and dtube has motivated me , I am still worried I made mistake pronucing the words in the video but for now I just think it will get better and thank you for the video.
If anything is worth doing, we'll get better at it over time. Good luck.
Failure is the pillar of success.We should need to try to develop in ourselves.Success is not coming easily of our broaden life.
This is your valuable content cheers!I live in South korea.I am a hard working person.I know that mother is the invention of good luck.
You are a successful person already knowing of your content part have to see first to last of your
post.I always follow you. Sorry for late my comment.
Thank you for sharing my dear friend@lukestokes.
Mistakes and Failure are two things our current culture avoid at all costs.
Thomas Edison is usually given credit tor the statement that,
I wonder what the future holds for a culture that doesn't understand that concept?
If done well, I prefer it over a post that takes a long time to say something simple.
I guess making mistakes usually isn't as bad as it seems cause it gives you the opportunity to learn continually. Learning is a process, a very hard process that needs attention before it is being achieved. Wonderful piece of writing. Thanks!!!
Absolutely right committing mistake is a big fear, but with out mistake you can't learn new. To do some thing extra ordinary you have to over come fear. new birth come in this world without knowing any thing except weeping. He learn all the art from this world. The person who over come his fear of unknown mistake will get more success in life. All mistake give you new lesson. yes it's a key don't commit a same mistake twice. nice post @lukestokes
Yes!! Fear is terrible. Fear makes us either think we can't do, or we will always have later to do. I love it. Try more...go..forward! I love short form content. Since we first started here on Steemit we have pushed to have longer, better, more filling posts, but it isn't always the case. The perspective that more is better doesn't seem to be the case. Being real and communicating an idea doesn't always take four pages.
Until Meta Thought, I was feeling like it's too short, but after Meta and especially Random thoughts were there, I was happy :) Thanks for the link also.
Helpful feedback, thanks.
Mistakes are probably the only way you learn which you normally may not.
Short form contents are also cool by the way:)
That's so true.
People often just see the success of a person but not how this person came to this position.
Failure is the best that can happen to you if you know how to handle it.
If you don't learn from it and do the same mistakes again and again, of course it is not helpful at all.
I was always told in business to not be afraid to try new things. When something doesn't work just look at it as another possibility crossed off the list which will eventually lead you to something that does work. We so often give up just before a break through. Sometimes holding on is the hardest thing.
inspiring thoughts.....sometimes short content posts are good...
This is really a great post...I fear to commit mistake that is why I live my life setting rules but in the end I end up messing my life...Now I knew why I don't grow much the way I am expected to be because I fear mistake...I should have live my life to the fullest with no much rules and do more things to accomplish more and to learn more...thanks for the realization @lukestokes. It is trhough when I commit mistake that I will learn the lesson. wow!
Yup. ;) I almost unintentionally started learning thing like that while searching for motivational music for running and I found some great motivational videos (in my post on running).
There is no added value in doing things right - from a learning perspective. Mistakes are the ones that make us think and improve - and evolve.
@lukestokes is a REMARKABLE Man! He went out of his way to help me! And for that I am forever grateful! We all should vote for him for Witness! He is GREAT! Thanks again for taking the time to help me! It meant the world to me and I will NEVER forget! :)
Very well put, Luke. I just have to add my favorite text on self-reliance:
"Everyone in the world is governed by self-interest. People naturally think first of themselves and their agendas. An occasional affectionate or helpful gesture from people you know tends to cloud this reality and make you expect more of this support—until you are disappointed, again and again. You are more alone than you imagine. This should not be a source of fear but of freedom. When you prove to yourself that you can get things on your own, then you experience a sense of liberation. You are no longer waiting for people to do this or that for you (a frustrating and infuriating experience). You have confidence that you can manage any adverse situation on your own.
Think of it this way: Dependancy is a habbit that is so easy to acquire. We live in a culture that offers you all kinds of crutches. Experts to turn to, drugs to cure any psychological unease, mild pleasures to help pass or kill time, jobs to keep you just above water, it is hard to resist. But once you give in, it is like a prison you enter that you cannot ever leave. You continually look outward for help and this severly limits your options and manoeuverability. When the time comes, as it inevitably does, when you must make an important decision, you have nothing inside of yourself to depend on." -Robert Greene
Also used in this incredibly awesome motivational video (1:00).
Great quote. Thanks for sharing. Many people think an individualist approach is somehow separate from our connected humanity but I see it as taking care of yourself first so that you can then be in a position of strength to help many others who have no expectation of rescue but may also be in a situation with literally no capacity at the time to help themselves. That's where those who've done the hard work can help others help themselves.
@lukestokes I guess that's why I am here in steemit to learn and to face those fears of rejection. Indeed only the brave and only those who challenge themselves are able to learn more. Great post Upvotingt as I'm inspired to take on head strong this herculean task to do well in this platform thanks @lukestokes for this powerful message great Sunday to you and family
Now i read your post.Man can not succeed without making mistakes. the fallen kalka reaches success. Do not be afraid to make mistakes go over your mistakes so that you achieve the real success. We learn to make mistakes. @lukestokes
We pass on our mistakes, foremost, even, over everything else maybe, said Yoda, spoiler alert, in Star Wars Last Jedi. No pain, no gain. Reminds me of Pinky and the Brain. It rhymes, too.
@lukestokes Both meta & random thoughts are really insightful. Thanks for tips. I really liked where you said 'The best educators don't want to be your crutch, but they want to see you join them on a journey of discovery'. I believe failure is a huge part of one's success story and as such we should never despise failure but learn from it. I'm looking forward to learn more from you! Thanks again.
Very true. If you are not making mistakes you are not taking chances. If you are not taking chances than you are avoiding improvement. Upvoted and followed. Please do the same
When you attempt doing something there is always a possibility to make mistakes and even fail, but that's perfectly fine as far as you learn from your mistake. Experimenting by yourself without expert guidance will teach you much more than falling back on someone all the time.
But point is also that you should learn from your mistakes
It's truly a effective blog. Mistakes is that which have happened. A human who fear to make mistake, he actually do not believe himself.
We only can rectify our mistakes. We have to learn from our mistakes. Your Random thought section, I really agree with you.
Sir, I would love to invite you on my blog. I am not spamming. I know first time I am reading your blog and immediately I am saying to you to check but it's only my will. Perhaps there is also something mind changing in my blog.
Thanks sir, Heart touching blog.
The first part of your post reminded me of a quote a girl at the office used to keep on her desk: Sometimes you win, most of the times you learn.
About short posts, I have written this article in order to answer your question without expanding my comment unnecessarily, but I guess we are on the same page :D
That is a great quote from the girl at the office. Thanks for sharing.
However, as you have rightly pointed out, I was never afraid to try things, make mistakes and learn from them. So, I believe I have made progress. :)@lukestokes - I agree. As I have learnt from my short experience on Steemit, making mistakes taught me a lot of things. I was very aggressive in promoting my posts but then I learn that people respond better only by providing quality feedback and after a good discussion. I, of course, never only posted my links and my feedback was always genuine but I learnt that combining them was also a bad idea.
I believe same applies to life as well.
Thanks for pointing out - sometimes, we miss the most obvious lessons. Upvoted

im not fear to learn.. i love to learn new things... but when i try to apply for myself ..im afraid to do mistakes. .. but i know from mistakes i can learn from it also
There is a profound relationship between experimentation and learning. I have never been successful at imitation. I prefer "mistakism" - the art of making mistakes and refining your approach due to the consequences. I am eternally bored by thinkers and artists who are too precious with their public image to take significant risk. Artists who are like "blue chip stock" dont hold the same appeal as those who allow their passion for life to drive them into unknown territory.
Another brilliant post my Friend! You truly make the Steemit Community so GREAT and SPECIAL! Thank you so much again for all your help! So true about time! Definitely an eye opening post! So much wisdom! Thank you so VERY much for sharing! You are going to have my vote when I start to vote for Witness's my Friend! Warm Wishes! All the best! Positive Energy! Great Karma! Your Friend @extraterrestrial :)
inspiring thoughts.....sometimes short content posts are good...boss