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RE: Dogs In Black And White - The Birth And Death Of My Cynophobia

in #fear4 years ago

Can't believe I missed this and it looks like I missed Crosheille's phobia post too. Next port of call.

I would never have imagined that you one had a fear of dogs. When I first cane across your account it was via hubby, RTB, and I gathered you'd talked about Shanti, because he would send love to her. He grew up with dogs, but like you, I grew up with little animal interaction, except for a cat that briefly adopted us, but spent little time with us until it needed and expensive vet visit.

Both you and hubby seem to have a real connection with animals, so I thought you might have grown up around them like him.


LOL, thanks MSH 🤗

It's funny to think how I spent 40 odd years with no meaningful animal interaction and then, just over 7 years ago it kicked off (with a cat called Frankie :). It also coincided with the time I started to let go of past baggage and my main contact animals (1 cat and 3 dogs) have been fantastic guides and companions during the (ongoing) process.

Nowadays, it seems like the only meaningful interaction I have (95%?) is with non-human life forms :).

I'm guessing the homestead was your intro to animals? The chickens and quails etc! Can't remember having seen photos of dogs or cats on your blog - they don't mix so well with birds huh?

I remember the really nice interactions with RTB re. Shanti. This was not long after I'd got on board the steem scream blockchain and was finding my feet. I hope he's doing well and not fucked-off with the job scene any more. Hope the Carp are still jumping for him :)

Oh, RTB is currently out on call at a job he stressed last week which expects him to work 66 hours a week, so still thoroughly unhappy with the job scene.


He sends his thanks and it did make him smile. 😊

❤ I'll send that to him. Hopefully put a smile on his face

When I was older my parents did let me have a hamster, if that counts. They aren't the most interactive and intelligent annuals, though. I forgot, we did have a rabbit at one point which we as children largely ignored, but were ordered to clean out on occasion. Otherwise, yes, the poultry were my first proper interactions with animals, in particular the chickens.

I remember you posting about the rabbit lawnmowers :o)

And I remember Ginger♥️

Ginger is still going, too. Our oldest chicken. My lawn also continues to stay nice and short. 😁