Fear is one thing that makes us do what we do not want to do or what we would not have done ordinarily. Fear also stops us from what we ought to do. This makes the idea of fear a complicated one.
It has been argued that fear is not real and that is is just a cultivated habit. I watched a film starred by Will Smith and Jaden Smith. I was very touched by the courage displayed in this film. It was there that Will Smith fully explained what fear is all about and i kind of agree with him based of the events that unfolded in the film. The title of the film is After Earth.
Smith says:
Fear is not real. The only place that fear can exist is in our thoughts of the future. It is a product of our imagination, causing us to fear things that do not at present and may not ever exist. That is near insanity. Do not misunderstand me danger is very real but fear is a choice.
If you look at the above quote, you will agree with him that fear of future oftentimes pushed us to do what we wouldn't have done in our rational and stable state.
We are constantly scared of one thing or the other. How will i pay for my house rent, my children school fees, buy cloths, and especially the future.
The fear of the unknown has eaten deep into human lives. We are conscious of what might happen if we do not make enough money to cater for our future need. This fear make us do things we wouldn't have thought of doing.
We need to be conscious of present and let future take care of itself. The more you are conscious of the future, the more you forget the present. Your past is not even important because you cannot dwell on it. It will draw you back. You need to move on and do the right things so that the future can take care of itself. Fear cannot solve anything. So why not do what is expected of a moral and rational being and give no room for fear because it will control you. In the end, you will regret your actions and tie it on Satan!
There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.
I am yet to see where fear solved anything. If you are scared of a something, by being scared, does it solve anything? If taking action and not worrying about the unknown proves to be more effective than just sitting and be scared of the unknown, is it not sensible to act and let tomorrow take care of itself?
This future or tomorrow we are talking about is not even certain! No one is sure of tomorrow. We always pray to see tomorrow but only God knows who will see it. It is by His grace. Why not focus on the one you are sure of and do your best?
Do not let the fear of unknown take control of your life. Live your life, plan and let future take care of itself! Kill that fear because it is not real.
Thanks for reading. Your boy @smyle the philosopher.
Fear is unreal. It is False Evidence Appearing Real.
When we brace ourselves and face the fear in the face, it will crumble.
Yes brother! Facing it is the key! Thanks
Good point u made here. At the positive piont, Fear is another brother of us that protect us not to do things that may negatively affect us in life. While in the other side, fear can withdraw a man from the ring of vision and make him never to fight for future .. Remember fear is the spirit being living in every human being. Thanks for sharing bro
How is fear a spirit being? What do you meqn by 'spirit being'? Are you saying it is an entity inside man?
Fear is the key that control the spirit being in a man , so it can be good some times ,while itay not be good. But here fear, attacks peseverance in a man to pursue future. Thanks for sharing
Yes we need to overcome the fear
Yes! Thanks
Fear is unreal. It is False Evidence Appearing Real.
When we brace ourselves and face the fear in the face, it will crumble.
Gbam! On point brother! Thanks
Fear is only mirage in the mind of the individual. If you can do something about it why are you afraid if you can not why worry. Thanks for this wonderful piece.
Exactly brother! Thanks for your contribution!
Thanks for this.This fear of the unknownbhas pushed many into do many decisions including a loveless marriage cos they fear that the guy they are with is poor and may not make it.They marry a rich one and gets stuck
Yeah! A very good point!