Fears and Dreams

in #fear7 years ago (edited)

What’s the biggest fear that your dealing with at this point in your life? Maybe not your major lifetime fear, like a spider aversion/phobia, but you know...the little fears that are deep that you keep bumping up against? The one that makes daily decisions for you and keeps you small? The fear that holds you back from your dream life?

One of mine is fear of being judged. I’m so over it in some arenas of life, like going braless 😂 or my lifestyle choices with my Man, but it’s still in there and I hear its whispers some days. It says, “don’t do that...what will they think? You’re too much. You’re not enough...” blah, blah, on and on the bullshit it blathers.

One way I work through this is making myself do whatever it is I want nonetheless. These blog posts are part of that. #nohiding Being fully, openly, honestly and wholly myself here denies my fear demons their feast. I don’t believe in hiding parts to appease the beast.


“When the fear is gone, it leaves a huge hole for courage to fill" - unknown


I have to admit: that is one striking photo! I can foresee this being on the cover of some yoga magazine.

Awe, thanks. I hit it hard that day practicing, and my man had a great angle with the camera.

OMG! That’s fucking impressive! #LifeGoals

Thank you 😊

Well, @steemed-open, synchronicity has been rocking lately. My recent Guidance whispers, my earlier morning pages and resultant inspired action plan.

Followed on by your post, your pose, your questions...

..the little fears that are deep that you keep bumping up against? The one that makes daily decisions for you and keeps you small? The fear that holds you back from your dream life?

... are SPOT on for me. Today. This morning. Now.

By the end of my morning pages earlier, I'd highlighted something that's been trying to get my attention again but I've kept pushing it away.

Doing it scares the shit out of me. Because I'm already 'fringe', 'woo-woo', but this... this would bring out the crosses to ward off the... what? The evil. The ...whatever. Not going to give that any more energy.

SOOOOOO... going to just do it. Had decided to when I put down pen from am pages writing. But haven't taken up headphones to record. Will. Today.

VERY effective matching of asana with blasting judgement fear to smithereens. Thank you for the f*** it courage that took. Boom.

Oh you gave me goosebumps. 😃 I’m happy this post hit you just when you were ripe for the message! So cool...you do morning pages too? Artist’s Way?

Please do share how it goes. Whatever this thing is you’ve decided to just 💥 do. ✊🏽🙌🏽

Cheers and hugs.

Absolutely! Yes, Artist's Way.. from the '90's in basic ugly school essay notebooks. ;)

I will. I think I have an excerpt of the one I did for my Sis on Youtube. Maybe I should post that here in #2 of series before I upload fresh ones on DLive.

Thanks again and Hugzzz. xxx

Our synchronicity just gets weirder...I’m reading the Artist’s Way now also and doing morning pages presently. Good old school stuff. 👌🏼

We are around the same age, I'm 47 and at that age you start to not give a shit about what anybody says or think.
Love the pose!

I’m with you! I’m getting over this fear more and more as I age. Liberating. :)

wow, you are a sports women:)

I had for some years the fear of being judged, but recently I realized that I don't owe anything to anyone and I'm not in no one's path so I conquered that fear. I realized it's useless.
Currently I have some fear regarding some health problems. Other than that I'm pretty fine with fears.

I’m with you there. I totally agree we don’t owe anyone anything except to be true to OURSELF.

I know this. But then certain life experiences can trigger me back into concern what someone else is thinking. It’s like auto pilot for me sometimes. Trigger = response. I do not want to be in that space. But I don’t know yet how to not fall into it when I get triggered. Happens less and less though. 🤗

I wish you peace and health regarding your own concerns. 🙏🏽

this is the right state of mind!


Really nice Yoga Pose.

Really love this post, your words, how you’re #nothiding and digging into these parts of yourselves and doing them anyway! Judgment is a big one for sure- how we’ll be perceived and whose “approval we'll lose” if we do certain things. Sometimes we have to let go of those people if they’re going to inhibit us to that point and not honor our being. Not always easy, but worth it. ✨💖 following you now ☺️