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RE: Feathered Friday - "Time to Fly"

in #featheredfriday6 years ago

I appreciate the vote, how ever if it is going to come with advertisements and "pointing out" you voted for me I would rather you put me on an ignore list. I did not like it when themadhatter or what ever his backward name was, was doing it and I still do not like it when people think I am to dumb to know when someone voted for my post. (I do use @steemchiller's after all).

Would you like it if I pasted a big photocircle's ad and comment look at us we voted for you on your page, or photo-this or that group and here is our discord chat room? I don't think so. I know some people do not mind all the advertisement from inside and outside of steem block chain, however I do know of several people that left steemit front end for other front ends without advertisement. I gave up TV and Cable TV and Satellite TV, because of advertising, I am tired of it, don't need it, don't want it.

I am considering even unsubscribing to the Steem UA people because of the every three day ad, like the one below even though it contains stats and information I find useful, I still do not like people telling me I they voted for my content.

Saying you "Manually curated" my post tells me nothing, no comment about liking the shot, no advice from a professional what I could have done better, or what I got right, Your reply was 100% totally useless for me. Why would I Follow and vote for stuff that others like, I am perfectly capable of finding and voting on content I find enjoyable. I even look at the new post feed every now and then, to find new people or things or ideas or pictures, or lots of things to vote on. One of the things about HF21 is the supposed desire to get more people to manually curate/vote. Following a trail is not manually curating/voting. HF21 will not fix the manual part of curation or of voting especially for large accounts that hold a lot of SP, unless they suddenly decide to start giving out large enough votes to do it manually, then people will cry because they are no longer on the receiving end of the vote trails those large accounts use to use.

To conclude I do not like advertising or people patting themselves on the back, so that everyone that comes by can see how good a person they are because of what they did. I find it to be obnoxious.