Wonderful photos, especially the one with horses over frozen water and eagle with full opened wings. Talk about celebrities making millions ... here you are :D
No, I know two rednecks but not the phrase about police
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haha! sir hananali! I'm not making much of anything on my posts unless I buy the votes, that's what you see on this post. ocdb haven't opened their nominations up again, I'll let you know when they do though. But yes I was so impressed that the internet was full of great images of these people and their birds! Very cool subject.
Yeah, please do keep an eye on ocdb thing and let me know when they their nominations again.
About pictures, all pictures are so cool, just as smithlabs knows it all, you also know what hot comes from where :D
hananali! I also know what hot comes from where? I don't know what that means. Is that a riddle?
Are you heading off to school?
So you are saying that you are the new smithlabs, know everything already :D
Plus, yes am in school and brought this phone with me and got this notification just now :D
haha! howdy hananali! no, I don't know what you mean when you said "you also know what hot comes from where " ...I don't know what that means. Smithlabs would but then he knows everything. About everything.
Hey you can't be in school and on steemit at the same time!
Hi there janton, you must be sleeping right now, its evening here. I means a lot not hot :( it was a typo.
I was on a break and checked only s notification, didn't cheat much
ok I got it sir hananali, it was lot not hot.
Well, about the school then I thought maybe smithlabs taught you how to do many things at the same time like he does! That would increase your efficiency ten fold!