Sesión completa Urraca / Full session Magpi

in #featheredfriday5 years ago (edited)

Paseo por el jardín botánico de Madrid

Walk through the botanical garden of Madrid

Mientras fotografiaba plantas apareció ante mi cámara esta Urraca. Captó de inmediato mi atención con sus poses y me centré en ella.

While photographing plants, this Magpie appeared before my camera. I immediately caught my attention with their poses and focused on it.

Fueron casi 30 minutos de juegos, de observarse, de curiosidad mutua.

It was almost 30 minutes of games, of watching, of mutual curiosity.

A veces, la felicidad, llega y se va volando.

Sometimes, happiness, comes and goes flying.

Fotos hechas por mí, con mi Nikon coolpix 


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thanks :)

Great shots of the magpie, here in Alaska they are very skittish and don't sit still long enough to get a good picture of them usually,

You could tell these magpies are used to having people around. I've never seen them this close before.
Thanks for stopping by. Health and joy!!

Those are beautiful photos! I do wish that we had them here. Thanks for posting these great shots to #Featheredfriday!

Thanksss !!!!. I really enjoyed doing these pictures. It was a huge pleasure. I'll keep posting, I've got a lot of pictures of birds.