Yeah I was a rebel even back then, I knew I was fairly bright as apart from English which I just scraped through with passes, every other subject I never studied much and always got the top scores in the school, infact I am generally dissapointed in myself if I ever score less than 95% in any test but that has only happened twice LOL
My parent and the school were not very happy that I refused to go tot he event and join mensa
BUt that said it is part of the recent why I make so many typos, my fingers cannot keep up with my thoughts lOL
haha! that's a great excuse for typos JJ! ha! Well those mensa people are a bunch of snobs anyway, running around thinking they're smarter than everyone. lol. even if they are they don't have to get arrogant about it.
So you were one of those kids who made the rest of us sick because you never had to study!
Thats the feeling I got with the person that came from mensa to our house, Uninvited I might add, was so arrogant and stuck up, and clearly could not understand why I did not want to join their elite group, not sure why so arrogant, he was only in the top 5% LOL
and sorry to admit yes my brothers and sisters hated it was so easy for me they all had to study a lot, and at scholl it was fine I hung with the sports team crowd since I was into Rugby and soccer, and most of them didnt care much about grades
haha! so you coasted through high school and hung out with the jocks, did you go to college?
Well as I was in the school first 15 Rugby and first 11 Soccer teams I guess I was one of the jocks
as for colllege, I decided to take a years to break between high School and College, but that year grew to decades LOL
I did sign up twice to start college courses in evenings and weekends and both times within a couple of weeks I was sent out on field missions or a long run of trips and never was able to do the courses I signed up for, so no I never did College
Howdy today JJ! Oh that's interesting, do you have any regrets about not going to college?
I try to not have regrets for the most part, sure if I had a college degree I could have climbed higher in the office structure, but with not too long to go I am happy enough with where I am and not as stressed as I would be at a higher level
howdy today JJ! Yes that's a good point, the farther up the ladder you go the more money but a heck of a lot more stress too! And then people don't live as long.