The photos, and birds, and hunters are really incredible! So is it Mongolia or Kazakhstan?
Falcons in Ukraine are under protection of the law but are often being hunted themselves. One of the reason - bird catchers sell them to the arabian world, they are very popular there (in a decert) as a security guides for Emir (sounds funny). And guess what they do there? These birds are trained to hunt drones. Falcons are very good in it.
How much the world changed
howdy today zirochka! oh how interesting! yes these are in Mongolia. But how interesting about the falcons being trained to hunt drones! what do they do when they locate the drones? That's amazing and I'm sorry they are taking your falcons though, that's bad. Thank you so much for reading and commenting!
Falcons are predators that used to catch their prey on the fly. I think they are trained to catch drones in the air, and then... no idea )) Bring them down to the master )) But this story we heard from the director of a big forest Nature Reserve on the north of Ukraine. And I have a feeling that he keeps his eye on every animal there :)
Thank you for the interesting post and ... I start thinking about visiting Mongolia one day. I'd like to see this exciting show!
howdy again zirochka! yes it would be so exciting to see such a show and what great posting material! lol. I think they had about a thousand visitors in the last hunters rally or gathering so it is growing every year. Thank you so much for the information on the falcons, you should do a post about that! At least if you can find enough information out about it!
Hmm.... I'll think about
howdy again zirochka! Well yeah if that's not a good area for you just let me know and I'll put it on my list of things to investigate!
Oh, it's okay, I like learning new things. And seems to have spare time for that :)
ok great zirochka! I think it is a fascinating topic, like nature taking on technology or nature versus technology!