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RE: A hawk in the gardens

in #featherfriday5 years ago

I have been watching some YouTube comparisons of the Tamron and the Sigma 150-600 as well as the Canon 100-400. The Canon is best, of course, but best for the price would be the new Tamron G2, I think ... I'll see, but as I know me, a new long lens will be in the house long before I have saved the money ... maybe this time a used one 😁

I'm looking forward to your lens-baby photos. These lenses seem to make fun and artistic photos.

Posted using Partiko Android


Yes the canon is an amazing lens for sure from what I have read, I seldom look at used lens but if I am ever considering a long lens like that perhaps I should :)
I hope your weekend has started well, the sun is shining here and its going to be a nice warm day, I may head out for a walk soon with the lensbaby and the Macro and see what I can get

Yes, my weekend has started well - with a rainy day, and tomorrow it will be raining too, says the weather forecast, but we'll see.

Tomorrow I am going to test a long lens - the Sigma 150-600 you were talking about. It is the comtemporary version, which is not so heavy, and costs a lot less than the sports version. It is about 800 Euros here, and if I like it, I will not wait, until I can afford the Canon, but I'll see tomorrow :)))

Sorryt o hear you had rain, we had a nice sunny day today and I got out for some walks and mainly around where i live so didnt get many photos but the walking was what I needed

cool you are trying out the Sigma, I am looking forward to hearing what you think of it

I'm glad you had a nice day and walk.
Yes, we had rain, and it's still raining. I am sitting in my car and wait for the rain to stop, what might be soon, I hope 😁
Then I can go for a short walk and some testshots with the Sigma, but I can tell you, it's heavy.

Posted using Partiko Android

Ohh yeah I have felt it and it is heavy, but for a lens with that reach it has to be expected to be heavier, I look forward to hearing how you do with it and congrats with number 16 in the engagement league an SBI share is on its way to you

I cannot do much testing today, because this lens needs light. It's rainy and gray outside, but we still have a few hours of daylight, or I test it tomorrow afternoon.

Thanks a lot for the SBI. I know, I should do more commenting, but replying is a lot of work too 😎

Posted using Partiko Android

Lets hope you can test it our tomorrow dang the weather for ruining your chance

Ohh yes keeping up with comments can be quite a time consuming without a doubt, but replies also count as interaction :)

I cannot do much testing today, because this lens needs light. It's rainy and gray outside, but we still have a few hours of daylight, or I test it tomorrow afternoon.

Thanks a lot for the SBI, I appreciate it. I know, I should do more commenting, but replying is a lot of work too 😎

Posted using Partiko Android