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RE: Exploring Featured Posts

in #feature6 years ago

(PS: The best way to get people to see content is if their favorite Steemians/influencers resteem a post. Making sure a resteem works like a retweet, with a personal comment from the Steemian that resteems would be my preferred functionality to add to in order to get more 'viral content' - people want to know why a person resteems a post so they can decide to open a post from an otherwise random author.)
I am so small a user, even though I've been here for nearly 2 yrs, I only make a few pennies a day.
When I go to my feed (which is rare because) all I see is resteem after resteem right down the wall, people I know and like resteeming stuff, but WHY? I don't have time to open each one of those things, and the TITLE'S are often obscure from the content.
If I resteem something, let me say WHY I thought it worthy of resteeming.I agree with what @soyrosa said: