A Story from My Son, Satria

in #febri1233 years ago

Hai! My second day as a newcomer. So so so excited for the warm welcome and likes from you guys. If you still remember my first post I tell you about my son, Satria. He is so excited and he writes something for you. Here we come....
My Day
Hi…I am Satria. I am 11 years old.
I am the second of three brothers and sister. I want to tell you what I do on Fridays. I have started my day by waking up late for down prayer. That is because I played until late at night. After praying I just lay down on my bed for about 5 minutes then I do my homework. It has to be finished in this morning before I go to school today. It is 7.00 now. I haven’t had my breakfast, I haven’t taken a bath…meanwhile I should have been going if I don’t want to be late! My gosh! It takes about 30 minutes to school. I am not ready yet! You know what…..of course I am come to school very late. When I arrive at school the lesson has been starting for 15 minutes. Pffh!
I have to see the principal before I can join my friends at class. More words telling me not to be late. Fine miss…..luckily I learn math. My favorite lesson.
It is 10.15 now. The class is over. As usual I go to my favorite place…my mom’s office. I love that place because it's chilly and tidy there. You see?
I play games in my mom’s workplace. Mobile legends is my favorite game. I can spend hours to play. What game do you like the most?
It 12.00 now. I prepare myself for the Jumat pray. Jumat pray is an obligatory pray for boys and man every Friday afternoon. It is a must. So you will see many man and boys in the mosque praying together in the Friday afternoon at about 01.00.
After praying, I watch Sponge Bob a cartoon film then I play with my girlfriends, Laras and Bunga. We call the game “Batu Serimbang”.
Batu serimbang is a game using 5 stones. You have to be able to launch a stone up and catch it after grabing another stone on the floor by using one hand. Then you have to launch up a stone again and catch it back after grabbing the second stone with the stone you have grabbed before. You can win if you can catch the stone you launch up with 4 more stones in your hand only by using one hand. You will lose if the stone falls or you touch another stone meanwhile you grab another one or you cannot catch the stone you launch up.
In my place this game is played most by girls. However I like this game because it is fun.
It is 15.30 pm and it’s time for Ashar pray. After praying I play badminton on the field. I am not too good but I like to play it. The people plays some sports on the field. Some play football, some play volley and some play badminton. Well guys, what sport do you do? Come and join us playing badminton if you can.
By the way, I’d like to know how you spend your day. Who knows, we have something in common and we can share more each other.