The heart break

in #feed8 years ago

Cabs and texis
Our cab's have all the power it seems, like just the other day a news report stated one of our taxi driver's rapidly raped a seventeen (17) year old girl and the culprit remains at large, wile the next day you go to town the person you give your money too is the rapist. I hate when society overlooks things that are bad that some people do and then use your past to wipe away a sin like rape. Is it because the leaders them self don't want to inforce an equal law for they themselves want to commit such sins for if they don't have any other choice in the future or they just don't care. These rapists drive around free and a beautiful innocence is lost. I feel sad and don't know much but there is an order and it should uphold the equal safety of all. I once read about a guy who married a lady who had a kid that was almost two years of age and he raped her to death but luckily in turn I can't personally wish anyone bad but he got raped back in prison by twenty (20) inmates ironic isn't it?That's the world for you.